The more or less official story is that at San Rafael High in 1971 a group of stoners known as The Waldos would meet under a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20 every day, toking and listening to The New Riders of the Purple Sage. The term floated in and out of slang over the next 20 years, until at Dead shows smokeout parties would be advertised as 4:20, at which point the term came to HIGH TIMES's attention and they began popularizing it. Initially it was believed to be a police code, but finally the Waldos themselves came forward with some sort of proof of their origination. Now HT is trying to popularize 5:20 as the code for responsible stoners who have to work 9-5 gigs and can't be baked on the job. Better, I suppose, than their earlier idea to rebrand 4:20 as CLXX (the Roman numerals equivalent, if I remember correctly).
Sadly, I did not celebrate the day correctly, despite an invite to a 4:20 party which I almost attended and then decided not to, and finances being what they are I have no personal stash. I am, however, wearing my Highway 420 t-shirt, so I've hardly overlooked the occasion.
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