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4/20 Anyone?

17:48 / 20.04.05
So, what are your plans for today, Jerry Garcia's favorite holiday? Will you be lighting up with friends? Or staying home with your favorite piece of paraphernalia and popping in a VHS of 2001: A Space Odyssey (bowl of munchies by your side)? I for one will not be engaging in any illegal activities today, but I will be wearing green in solidarity.
Whatever you do, keep it safe.
Peace out, Barbelith.
18:14 / 20.04.05
I really think it should be called 3/65...but I suppose that the code would have to be rewritten.

I plan on puffin when I get to work.
electric monk
18:17 / 20.04.05
Now THAT'S an employee-centric place of work!

Sadly, I no longer enjoy the green. Gotta clean up my act since I've got a kid on the way.
I do ask that all who partake have a puff for me, tho.
18:30 / 20.04.05
I have a kid, but he doesn't smoke.

And yes, better I smoke at work, as they don't mind and the kid at home isn't into it.
20:54 / 20.04.05
Wow,totally forgot today was 4/20!! And I didn't even know it had been turned into a holiday! I would like to smoke up at work, but they only let us do that on special occasions...
20:58 / 20.04.05
Damn.. forgot it aswell, oh well, friday comes soon enough..
21:23 / 20.04.05
well, the holiday status is unofficial of course

and for you non-American Barbelithians who don't know about this, read more on it here.
21:33 / 20.04.05
From the Wikipedia link:"The number 420 is a euphemism for cannabis and its associated culture. The exact origin of the term is unknown..."

I was under the impression that it had to do with a drug possession law.
21:35 / 20.04.05
Like: "Bill! Drop the donut! Theres a 420 over at Barbelith!"?
21:42 / 20.04.05
I was always told that it related to Bob Marley's birthday, and enjoyed pointing out that it's Hitler's birthday as well.
Snopes claims that no-one really knows.
ibis the being
22:10 / 20.04.05
Not Bob Marley's birthday - that's Feb. 6. Is it really an American thing? Not that I really care, I don't smoke... ironically, my father is disappointed in me, he thinks I'm really missing out on some bonding-type stuff by not smoking with my boyfriend like he does with his wife. Ha! How many people have their parents ask them, "But why, why don't you like pot?"
Alex's Grandma
22:37 / 20.04.05
See, I was under the impression it was something to do with the Columbine Massacre.
22:40 / 20.04.05
Naw, it couldn't reference Columbine- people have been having 420 parties since at least 1995.
22:57 / 20.04.05
I read once in High Times that it was to do with some band or other who used to always go for a smoke at 4:20 PM while recording, somehow it became their slang and got picked up and turned into a date...

I plan on puffin when I get to work.

Ah, that Icelandic cuisine...

I forgot it was 4/20 too, but I got quite savagely stoned this afternoon anyway. Yay me.
23:14 / 20.04.05
"people have been having 420 parties since at least 1995."

way before that too... I read that it originally got started by a bunch of students who would smoke together at 4:20 PM everyday... this was back in the 70s
05:03 / 21.04.05
The more or less official story is that at San Rafael High in 1971 a group of stoners known as The Waldos would meet under a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20 every day, toking and listening to The New Riders of the Purple Sage. The term floated in and out of slang over the next 20 years, until at Dead shows smokeout parties would be advertised as 4:20, at which point the term came to HIGH TIMES's attention and they began popularizing it. Initially it was believed to be a police code, but finally the Waldos themselves came forward with some sort of proof of their origination. Now HT is trying to popularize 5:20 as the code for responsible stoners who have to work 9-5 gigs and can't be baked on the job. Better, I suppose, than their earlier idea to rebrand 4:20 as CLXX (the Roman numerals equivalent, if I remember correctly).

Sadly, I did not celebrate the day correctly, despite an invite to a 4:20 party which I almost attended and then decided not to, and finances being what they are I have no personal stash. I am, however, wearing my Highway 420 t-shirt, so I've hardly overlooked the occasion.

07:42 / 21.04.05
Anyone for pie?
07:50 / 21.04.05
I thought yesterday was 20/4, though?
09:02 / 21.04.05
I was working at the library, and waiting for any of the youth to mention it so I could punch them swiftly in the side of the head, and say "If I ever catch you using the fucking books for rolling paper, your guts shall form my dainty lacy garters." But I have a lot of pent-up hostility.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:19 / 21.04.05
Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself that there are in fact people out there who smoke "a certain herb" who are not, in fact, wacky wacky wacky wankers.
power vacuums & pure moments
09:31 / 21.04.05
Albert Hoffman dropped the first [intentional] acid trip on 4:20 on april 16th. Good month for psychonauts.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:51 / 21.04.05
What is a "psychonaut"?
09:57 / 21.04.05
Someone who thinks naughty thoughts.
power vacuums & pure moments
10:05 / 21.04.05
Someone who likes to explore the depths of their head, possibly with the help of chemicals/plants. I guess it implies someone doing these things for a purpose rather than just to get high.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:09 / 21.04.05
Well, that rules out the Grateful Dead.
Jack Vincennes
10:41 / 21.04.05
"If I ever catch you using the fucking books for rolling paper, your guts shall form my dainty lacy garters."

Please tell me you found the chance to say this anyway, even though nobody mentioned the date...
10:47 / 21.04.05
Someone who likes to explore the depths of their head, possibly with the help of chemicals/plants. I guess it implies someone doing these things for a purpose rather than just to get high.

Is that anything like exploring the depths of your stomach, possibly with the help of Boddingtons/Whitbreads? I guess it implies doing these things for a purpose rather than just to get drunk.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:25 / 21.04.05
That's a gastronaut. Possibly an imbibonaut.
11:37 / 21.04.05
what? you have to have a special day and time? fucking lightweights. the day is EVERY day and the time is ALL THE time. smoke like you mean it and the wacky wacky wanker bit just won't even near you.
16:06 / 21.04.05
Please tell me you found the chance to say this anyway, even though nobody mentioned the date...

Yup. Just now. Apparently the world is not ready to provide setups for my violent wit.
16:26 / 21.04.05
Was not feeling well yesterday. Will try to make up for it over the weekend. Perhaps a nice hike in the hills, some fresh fruit, and a smoke near the waterfall.
16:29 / 21.04.05
doing these things for a purpose rather than just to get high

Getting high is itself the purpose, sometimes. Some of us find the sensation quite pleasant and relaxing.
16:33 / 21.04.05
I plan on puffin when I get to work.

Ah, that Icelandic cuisine...

Close. We have puffins in Canada too.

Damn Dwight, I wish I had a waterfall to smoke know, that isn't effin' frozen!
16:35 / 21.04.05
We need a a purpose to get high now?

Oh right, this is Canada.....

I have a headache, give me a perscription.
16:36 / 21.04.05
Pre...PRE!...a prescription!
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