Boboss- It will be very difficult, indeed, and quite expensive if you hire someone. You'll have to redo the plumbing, as kitchens typically have only one pipe for tap water (unless you have a dishwasher with it's own line, but chances are you'll want to reposition everything, anyway) where the bathroom has two. Also, doing the gas mains for the stove will be a major headache, and is absolutely something that should be done by a professional. You can fuck up your plumbing and get soaked, but fucking with gas can get you dead or hideously disfigured. I would also assume that you need more electric sockets in your kitchen, so rewiring will have to happen. Messing with electricity is easier than most people think, but I'd probably leave that to a professional as well, just because you never know, and it's your ass on the line.
There will also be a lot of cosmetic damage involved in this operation (walls, floors, ceilings) and the guy who does the plumbing/gas line/rewiring will typically be oblivious to the damage he is doing to, say, your sweet-as-fuck hardwood floor, for example, so you may end up hiring someone to clean up the unholy mess the other guy(s) you hired made.
Finding a reputable contractor is extremely important. A LOT of people are out to gouge you for as much as they can, while doing the shoddiest possible job. And you, most likely, won't know that they are cutting corners or using shitty materials until it's too late.
I don't want to make this sound totally hellish, but I and others I know have had contractor nightmares before, and it would suck for you to have a similar experience. Trust no one unless they come highly recommended. If you love this place to death and/or have the time and wad of cash to have this done, leave it to a professional. That sounds like too big a job for anyone who isn't at least a journeyman electrician/plumber/whatever. This WILL cost money. Sorry to post so long and vehemently, but you sound like you're about to embark on the same hellride I did a couple of years ago, and my experience was no fun. Beware. |