So I notice that it seems customary for people to make note of their imminent unemployment.
Well despite the numerous extensions it looks like my contract is going to end in about two weeks maybe three.
I'd lament the situation and beg for help on how to be unemployed/find another positions but it really wouldn't make a difference.
I rarely hold a job longer than three months, I won't bother signing on for any form of social assistance and after a week of being out of work I'll be right back in again because despite the flagging employment situation in Toronto, the agency loves my ass.
I've been fired, let go, laid off, downsized and every other reason for being put out of work and I can still be back working inside a week.
*addendum - I do the shittiest office work or customer service, it's not like I'm in anyway specialised or expect big bucks. I just love being emminently employable.* |