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Are you thinking what we're thinking? [PICS + Some Swearing]

Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:37 / 18.04.05

It's the best I can do on a Monday morning. They don't store these posters on their own site so you'll have to find somewhere to put it yourselves and I know you can do a better job than me...

10:45 / 18.04.05
I like the third one best.

The Tory campaign seems to encourage a binary response: yes or no. Is that a good idea?
Benny the Ball
10:53 / 18.04.05
Anything that cuts the 'maybe' out of life isn't good.
12:23 / 18.04.05
I don't mean generally, I mean for the Tories.
Apparently they don't want people to mostly agree, or be sympathetic, or partly agree they want a binary response, and by doing so they could force a lot of potential supporters into responding negatively.
Benny the Ball
12:58 / 18.04.05
There was an interesting article in the Economist about this tactic (can't remember the name used for it) about how it is strengthening the resolve of the right of centre voters to turn out (and how these tend to be traditionally more likely to vote) and how some of what they say may just make the left of centre think that they are horrible, but may shake one or two so to speak into changing their voting tact by hitting a nerve with them.
14:00 / 18.04.05
It looks like a good way of consolidating/motivating your power base, but not necessarily a way to win an election.

Surely an election winning strategy is to be inclusive?
14:28 / 18.04.05
Tryphena Absent
14:37 / 18.04.05
Image hosted by
15:04 / 18.04.05
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:38 / 18.04.05
fridge wins!
Haus of Mystery
16:32 / 19.04.05
The Strobe
16:50 / 19.04.05

I've been reading too much Heinlein recently.

(Note to others: you have to download your image and host it yourself; the poster-maker only stores them for half an hour before erasing them).
Haus of Mystery
19:44 / 19.04.05
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:49 / 20.04.05
I'd just like to congratulate skellybones and Macgyver for not reading the noticeboard at the poster site which says that you have to save and put up your posters on your own webspace because they delete them 30 minutes after they generate them...

Still, I'm sure they were both funny and highly satirical attacks on the racist fuckwittery of the Man Who Would be PM.
Haus of Mystery
14:00 / 20.04.05
Wow! What a needlessly bitchy and pointless post! Give yourself a pat on the back Lady, and do it hard.
14:11 / 20.04.05
He must be unhappy today.
18:54 / 20.04.05
I did some ones of the latest Labour campaign, which I blogged, but nobody reads that shit so I'm going to post them here...

And yes, they all refer to internet shite.
18:55 / 20.04.05
I like Paleface's and I wish I'd thought of it.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:23 / 21.04.05
What? There's a sign on the page, it's not like you have to guess or anything...
The Strobe
12:42 / 21.04.05
And I said it too before Lady, without the rudeness...
lonely as a cloud...
13:07 / 21.04.05

Sorry. I had to.
Love your pirate vs ninja, btw, fridgemagnet
13:42 / 21.04.05
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:08 / 21.04.05
Hey, the only person I'm being rude to is Michael Howard. Since when do I have to consider that tosser's feelings? Where's that in the wiki, eh? eh?
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