It should have been called The League of Gentlemen's ApocaLIPPstick. Not only does Pemperton-as-Lipp-as-Pemperton-proper anchor the movie emotionally but he infuses resonance in a movie remarkably lacking in it. Which might be a point. But a poor one at that and at too far great a cost.
I unanimously second the criticism in this thread. It's not unsettling, grotesque and weird enough. Barring the few beautiful shots, it plays like the tv show. That is to say: discursive, which works on tv but necessarily doesn't when afforded the opportunity for a stronger cinematic narrative. The interplay between the same-actor-characters was unconvincing. However, I did love how different they all were from each other; Tubbs, Pauline, Lipp, Pemperton, etcetera never feel alike and neither do the other two actors' characters. And, again, it might be a point but just how flat were the actors-as-themselves?
The Christmas Special is their best effort yet, too bad this movie doesn't rival it. |