Its not always that they are not talking. Often, you just need to learn how to listen 
This reminds me of an old joke about a man trapped on a roof during a flood, sure that his prayers would be answered and God would save him. A boat came by, but he didn't get in. "God wil save me!" he said, and stayed put. The waters rose, and another boat came by. "No, I'm alright, thanks. God will save me!" The waters rose. he only had a few inches left of chiminey to cling to when a helicopter came by, dangeling a rope for him to get on. "No, no, I'll be alright. God will save me." So the waters rise more, and the man drowns. Up in heaven, he meets God and cries "Why didn't you save me?". God replies, "What do you want? I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter!" |