What irritates me about this is that although there are dozens of shootings in schools every year, perpetrated by children, instead of going after violence, the FCC considers sexual mores as the more virulent "scourge."
I can only imagine that the sexual fascism will only exacerbate the level of violence currently seen in the US.
Dozens of school shootings every year? Hardly. They do happen but they're rare and infrequent abberations focused on ad nauseaum by 24 hour news media because they feed the ratings. School shootings AND youth violence are not epidemic nor on the rise. I find it strange that you percieve the level of violence in the US to be so high when those levels have in fact been steadily declining in the last 30 some odd years. As for what 'violence as recreation' reaps, not one study has put to rest the theory that violence in entertainment and violent crime are connected. And there will likely never be one, given that violence has played a part in our storytelling from the very beginning.
I hate to say it, but the level of violence in American culture reaps what it sows. Violence as recreation devalues safety and life.
This, I think, irritates me more than anything. Hyperbolic and unproven statements like the above seem like a very short hop to advocating censorship to me. One in the name of protecting us from the indecency of violence, the other in the name of protecting us from the indecency of nakedness and sex. Can I please stop being protected already by moralists and crusaders who think they have my best interests at heart?
Now.. getting back to the topic... I do find it strangely ironic that the Howard Sterns and Janet Jacksons of this country are getting their knuckles rapped... but when a conservative commentator breaks those same rules, you can pretty much bet the FCC will turn a blind eye.
Rush Limbaugh, in a fit of “unbridled passion,” used his self-described “pouty lips” to utter the words “blow jobs” on his April 12 show. The incident occurred during a diatribe about former Vice President Al Gore’s new cable TV network. Limbaugh was responding to a statement made by Gore that his new venture would "reflect the point of view of young people."
What the hell is that, Al?" Limbaugh asked. "What the hell is the point of view of young people? Blow jobs, that's what they're doing out there. They're out there getting oral sex all day long, that's what they're talking about."
Limbaugh went on to blame former President Bill Clinton for making oral sex "the number one sport in high school today. " He also referred to Gore's venture as "a BJ network" and "the oral sex channel."