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Azumi vs One Point O; Days of Santiago vs Kung Fu Hustle vs the Woodsman; Steamboy vs A dirty Shame vs Undead; Birth vs Redeemer

D Terminator XXXIII
12:13 / 13.04.05
Tonight: Azumi vs. One Point O. I'm leaning towards the latter but the former is still quite alluring. Help me decide asap.

Thursday: Days of Santiago vs. Gong Fu/Kung Fu Hustle vs. The Woodsman. Santiago I will be able to catch without any conflict, but I have to decide between the two latter movies.

Friday: Steamboy vs. A Dirty Shame vs. Undead. I'm leaning towards Steamboy and Undead but perhaps Dirty Shame will be delightfully funny...

Saturday: Birth vs. Redentor/Redeemer. I'm gunning for Birth but Redeemer sounds very, very interesting. And I have to choose between them because I won't have enough moolah by this point to see them both.

I will abide with your recommendations.
D Terminator XXXIII
13:05 / 13.04.05
You don't even have to have watched any of them, just point out what seems the most interesting to you. I should also add that none of the movies have any distribution deal here. Just this one chance, really.
13:07 / 13.04.05
I've seen Azumi at a festival last year and it's really fun. Sort of a superhero martial arts film. I'd recommend it.

As for the second choice, Kung-Fu Hustle is great. If this is your only chance to see it, you should definitely take it.
13:09 / 13.04.05
Oh, and I was didn't enjoy Steamboy very much. It looked very nice, but the plot was kind of a snooze and I'm bored stiff by Patrick Stewart's "acting."
D Terminator XXXIII
13:11 / 13.04.05
I've seen Azumi at a festival last year and it's really fun.

Is the final battle everything the hype machine says it is?
14:35 / 13.04.05
Seconded on the kung Fu Hustle - fantastic laugh
14:44 / 13.04.05
Is the final battle everything the hype machine says it is?

Well, you definitely won't fall asleep during it!
D Terminator XXXIII
15:45 / 13.04.05
Okay, Azumi it is. Thank you gridley.

And it looks like Gong Fu's an essential choice. Thank you - again - gridley and pear.
Jack Vincennes
10:24 / 14.04.05
On Saturday, I'd go and see Redentor, but that's just be because I've already seen Birth and it (the latter) is probably going to be the more easily accessible of the two if you really want to see it. However, I found Birth to be quite disturbing, far more than I thought I would -if you're more interested in the plot of that one I'd say it's dealt with very well and it's worth going to see. There's a thread on it here, too.

Sorry, that was all a bit equivocal, hope it helped a bit...
D Terminator XXXIII
11:56 / 14.04.05
I saw Azumi last night, right? It left me feeling that I should have gone with One Point 0 because it sounded more up my immediate sleeve. Don't get me wrong, there are many, many great things to cherish about it but I failed to connect emotionally with it, just as was my problems with Kill Bill 1, Hero and House of Flying Daggers. The meandering high aspirations of these movies rubs against me in the wrong way. Perhaps my preference for deeply flawed characters negates a total immersion, I don't know. But it is without a doubt an impressive feature. More of it later.

I regrettably missed Days of Santiago, so Kung Fu Hustle it is. I don't doubt that I'll find it more engaging, because when Chinese movies are funny, they are absurdly funny.

And Vinciennes, for the very same reasons you describe I wanna see Birth! (And the link upthread is to the local thread; I knew of its existence but cheers anyway)
12:38 / 14.04.05
Kung Fu Hustle is enormously, colossally entertaining. I can't praise it highly enough.
D Terminator XXXIII
21:03 / 14.04.05
I agree. I would also throw in words like exhilerating, endlessly cool and as pure a source of kung fu spectacle there could ever be. It contained endearing eccentricity in the Jeunet vein, real tragedy amidst the broad comedy and a big fat heart in the centre. I would have loved to see more of the initial 3 in the Pig Sty - the battle *so* outdid the Burly Brawl. My entire body buzzed from the unearthly kick it provided.

The ending bodes well for a sequel, doesn't it?

I might have to sacrifice Steamboy tomorrow because it is my mother's birthday party, but I should be able to sneak off for A Dirty Shame and Undead. Am I making a mistake?
Mystery Gypt
19:41 / 16.04.05
by the way... One Point O is available on dvd now, at least in some regions, titled PARANOIA 1.0. i havent seen it, but ive seen the box around. (Actually the retitling is so horrible that i never would have suspected this is even potentially a good movie. now i know)
D Terminator XXXIII
20:50 / 16.04.05
Apathetic to A Dirty Shame, loving Birth very much. Missed Undead, Redeemer and a couple of movies I also could have seen.
22:34 / 16.04.05
Steamboy was so-so. one or two moments are hysterically funny, and the chase scene towards the beginning is quite thrilling and fun. but overall: gorgeous but boring.

like yr mom.
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