"I'd tend to err on the side of avoiding too much cross-hatching, were I you."
After it took me about two hours per page* on the inking job, I realised this as well. *rueful grin* You can actually see the linesandlinesandlines being phased out at the start of the second chapter, as I realise that if I don't make it a bit less frenetic then my hands will drop off...
In defence of my sci-fi-ness, it's not so much an escapist thing as it is an attempt at concentrating things: I'm trying to jam all the cultural and fictional tropes of my perception of society into one consistent fictional world, in order to examine them more closely. It's not meant to be a work of escapism, although I understand that from this extract (there are more pages, but I haven't got round to inking them yet) it doesn't look like it.
Also, I really like drawing something where I get to stick in robots and pirates and airships all one one page. *blissful smile*
However, I see what you mean about the page layout, especially on the page with the circular panels and all the blank space. Is there a guide somewhere to panel construction, or is this something that has to be intuitively learnt?
*because I bore easily, this is a lot in my mind. |