Before I even get with the TV-hating, can I just say I'm with olulabelle on the R4 thing. It does my fucking head in if I'm without it for too long. Same goes for the internet- I guess I'm replacing one addiction with two others. (They're all better with beer, obviously).
Ah, I used to watch TV constantly. Or if I wasn't watching it, I'd have it on constantly. Terrified I'd miss something fantastic, I'd leave the bugger going 24/7.
THEN I lived with someone for six years who was REALLY REALLY REALLY addicted to TV. We went on holiday ot Cornwall once, and while I'd be out with Biscuits checking out the countryside (and, yes, meeting the local pub mad- who was quite a nice guy, as it goes- kind of how I'd always imagined Jeffrey Bernard to be as a drinking partner) she'd be staying in the cottage WATCHING TV. With REALLY bad reception. Fuck, I even went without my radio for those few days...
Point being, it really put me off TV. In the same way that living with a Trek obsessive put me off Star Trek for life.
BUT... I bought one a couple of months back, when I bought an XBox. Didn't buy an aerial, mind...
...then Dr Who started. So I bought an aerial. And having made the mistake of lazily watching random telly for a couple of hours, have decided that it's 45 minutes a week of telly for me, and no more.
Reading the TV lisitings at work (we have to) and finding stuff like "Top 10 Celebrity Mingers" hasn't really altered my opinion- namely, I'm not missing much.
As has been said before, anything worth watching is downloadable or will be on DVD sooner or later.
Which brings me to another point- commitment.
I don't have the commitment to watch programmes on telly. Staying in/waking up AT THE SAME TIME EVERY WEEK? or maybe even a SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT TIME? I really can't do that. It's working with Dr Who so far, and the effort is paying off, but it really does go against my better nature. I was always crap at following programmes anyway- I'm a completist obsessive twat, so to miss one episode would ruin the next for me, and I was never good at catching all the episodes anyway.
I think I'll get rid of the aerial when Who finishes. It was only a tenner. I can always get another one when the next season starts. |