R McGough's work, as I understand it, is the pretty much the sine-qua-non of professional Scouserism -
"'Ey mate, you don't frigging gerrit about real feelings, like in Gerry Marsden, or Bread !
" Yer frigging student. "
I'd be happy enough to see that joint nuked to be honest, to a soundtrack by Frankie, The Farm, Sonya and The Lotus Eaters, but in the meantime, very good luck with the youngster, Tom TI, and here's a thing I've written in honour of the occasion, with best wishes, after the style of the 60's Liverpool beat poets.
It's called 'Trebor Mints.'
Terbor mints
Were great,
I ate some
They were ace.
I watched her, posh,
Outside the bank,
Blonde hair, sussies,
Her Dad drove a tank
In The War, she said.
So much better than me,
She thought -
On the bus though
On the way back home
I had a...
And that showed
My real name is
Stnim |