
I'm back this evening from an entertaining session at a dressed-up cub hut in the shadow of Lucas' studios at Elstree, where a BBC3 team was filming Dermot O'Leary in tiny Skywalker tunic dancing among Jedi, troopers and Cantina aliens, while veteran Vader Dave Prowse nodded approvingly from the corner.

This is a slight promotional plug on my part, but there are a lot of Star Wars devotees on this board, and you might well be interested in this prog. Obviously it takes a wryly light-hearted approach to fandom but I get the impression it's going to be an affectionate exploration from the "inside", not a freakshow.

The pitch runs: On May 19th of this year, the final Star Wars movie, “Revenge of the Sith” is released. For anyone growing up in the 1970s, this event undoubtedly represents a significant point in their lives. Quite simply, these movies have guided us through our different life stages of the past 25 years. As kids we watched the original trilogy, it became a cult in our adolescence, the new prequels were produced in our twenties, and it’s going to end in our 30’s.
In “Generation Jedi” we intend to tell the story of our generation through the parable of Star Wars. From the innocence of “A New Hope” to the darkest episode to date in “Revenge of the Sith”, we will ask whether this journey represents a modern metaphor for our times – politically, socially, culturally, and of course personally. Have we all gone from hopeful Luke to fallen Anakin?
I believe it's meant to be broadcast to tie in with Episode III. |