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I'm an auntie!

wembley can change in 28 days
05:21 / 30.03.05
The long-awaited follow-up to My brother, fuckup extraordinaire and his pill-shirking girl is here! Emelia Inari Jakova (no idea of the spelling) and of dubious last name (Lisa still wasn't sure if she'd use her own last name or my brother's) arrived on Monday the 28th at a very normal 7 pounds 13 ounces.

She's rockin' it hard in the ward.

The only thing I wish is that my brother and the mom would start getting along; I know my bro's got his share of stupid things he says and does, but this girl would drive me up the wall. Smoking during the pregnancy, not calling my brother until five hours after the birth and then telling him she forgot his phone number, etc etc. Sigh.
06:17 / 30.03.05
Two things:

1. So ... did they break up eventually then? I don't remember if you told us what the outcome was.

2. I want a baby blanket. They look so comfy and soft.
Nobody's girl
07:39 / 30.03.05
Congrats! She's looks very sweet, if a little unhappy with this confusing outside world business.

As a currently pregnant ex-smoker I can attest to the difficulties of giving up when you're pregnant, have a little sympathy. Even with generally positive reactions from friends and family to The News I had a hell of a time giving up. Sounds like your niece's mum wasn't enjoying the best of circumstances when preggers, which is a fecking stressful time let me assure you. Anyhew, the baby sounds like she weighed in nice and healthy so it all turned out OK in the end.

As my Gran recently told my cousin- "It's all very modern you know, I drank and smoked through all three of my pregnancies." Thinking about it though, that does explain a few things about my Dad...
09:05 / 30.03.05
Congratulations. Babies are ace!

You are quite harsh on a woman who's just given birth though. I mean, I second Nobody's Girl on the smoking thing, it is very hard to give up smoking, even when you know you should for the baby. Think about it from her point of view - she's not doing it deliberately to harm the baby and she probably feels far, far worse about it than you even if she's not telling you that.

And you know that phone number thing? It doesn't surprise me in the slightest, I think I forgot my own name when my son was born. It's hard, knackering, painful physical labour, and that doesn't take into account the emotional earthquake you go through. Forgetting a phone number is very plausible, and I don't think there are many women who would deliberately wait to inform the father. Your brain doesn't work like that when you've just given birth, even if you're normally fairly manipulative.
09:10 / 30.03.05
Congratulations! Hope all works out well for your bro.
Benny the Ball
09:27 / 30.03.05

Hello Auntie and congratualtions

I love my nephews, my niece I can take or leave, ha ha.

But being an auntie/unkle is great.

Hope all works out.
Peach Pie
10:14 / 30.03.05
10:25 / 30.03.05
Congratulations, I hope auntie-hood is fun.
wembley can change in 28 days
10:28 / 30.03.05
Ok, ok, sorry you smoking moms - my mum did the cold turkey quit when she found out she was pregnant, so that's the entirety of my experience with it - although I'm an on-and-off smoker myself, I can't imagine lighting up if I were growing a person. I don't think I'm being too hard on her given that I've left out a lot of harsh stuff she's said and done lately... basically, she's pretty hurt about my brother not wanting to be with her anymore, and she's doing a good job of antagonizing him - I hope they both calm down. It'll take a long time for her to get over him, I think, but my parents did it and they're friends now.

So to answer the question, they're not together, but my brother's all about this kid. He's going to try his heart out, I know that for sure - and if he does make bad choices sometimes, he's always got that little girl's best interests in his crazy little head. Plus there's lots and lots of family to help - my dad is just about out of his mind in adoration of the new baby, because that's how much of a manly man my dad is.
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