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20:23 / 28.03.05
I couldn't find an existing thread for this,suprisingly.
I think this is a constantly exciting never stale series. It even got a bit Morgan and Wong for a while in the second series.. I'm thinking of the Stigmata and WhiteLight Episodes. So anyone else watch this?
20:33 / 28.03.05
I hear this is great but never caught up to it yet...the guy who plays Dr. Doom i the upcoming FF movie is in it, as was Famke "Jean Grey" Janssen in a guest-spot. Great concept for a series, lives of plastic surgeons... I've got it on my list of 'DVDs I should rent eventually'. My NetFlix list is full now.
20:43 / 28.03.05
Yeah Famke has an ongoing role in season two, brilliant, she's like a disease. Its nice to see another drama series apart from Six Feet Under where every single character is unremittingly self destructive... brightens my day at least.
Check it out!
01:17 / 29.03.05
I'm watching it through now, am up to episode four of season two and it is great. Christian is one of those characters who's always riveting on screen, and I love the moral ambiguity surrounding him. I should be finished with the season in a week or so, so I can talk more than without spoilers. But, I would say it does remind a lot of Six Feet Under, in the structure (a client is usually the catalyst for at least part of the plot), and the underlying soapiness of the show. I think SFU is a better show, but Nip/Tuck is pretty damn good as well. That Rocket Man sequence in the first season really got to me.
21:09 / 29.03.05
During hurricane evacuations last summer, I wound up in a hotel the next county south, where I saw an episode of this show.

It was really freaky -- angel of death was in it, people seemed to be switching back and forth between realities, and one of the male characters was having trouble with his wife and her girlfriend like making out in front of him and being mean to him.

What the hell was I watching?
21:16 / 29.03.05
You were watching the end of the season....

It is an excellent show and as the second season progresses it really finds its feet and picks up the pace.

Sadly, whilst both shows are current, this will always be Six Feet-lite but I think that says more about the sheer quality of SFU rather than N/T not being worthy, which of course it isn't.
21:43 / 29.03.05
oh, god, you're kidding. SFU is overrated yuppie New Age tripe. nip/tuck owns SFU.
21:45 / 29.03.05
What the hell was I watching?

it was an episode where Julia goes under the knife and has weird visions. it was weirder than the usual, but not by much. it wouldn't make any sense if you hadn't seen the rest of the show.
15:12 / 05.04.05
I just finished season two yesterday, and it's certainly a compulsively watchable show. I think they may be trapped in that soap opera thing of character loops, rather than character development, since both Sean and Christian's arcs in season two are basically the same as season one, but at least Julia seems to be doing something different. And now I've got to wait five months to find out who the carver is.

That Julia alternate world episode probably was the series' best. I love the end when she's floating through that white world, and Ava is drawing her towards death.
05:18 / 19.10.05
Is anyone still watching this show? This most recent episode nearly made me shit my pants. It's fucking amazing this season.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:42 / 19.10.05
With the whole serial killer schtick? The season opener was a real shocker...I couldn't believe it! I won;t go into it cos it's a bit of a spoiler if you haven't seen it, but it wass excellent fly-paper...
23:24 / 19.10.05
I saw maybe half the first season and one episode of the second, but I tuned in for laughs on the current one's premiere and became totally hooked. It's pretty darn good so far.
21:52 / 23.10.05
Did anyone see tonights episode SKY1?
Matt has an episode of homosexual panic exacerbated, I guess, by the predicament the knowledge of Eva's original gender leaves him in and brutally beats up a pre-op transexual. It's all very horrible really but I was glad to see a reprisal for his behaviour later in the episode.
06:49 / 25.10.05
Yeah, I couldn't believe that bit, I was really shocked by the savagery of the violence in that, but that could be I didn't really see it coming until he actually did it. I just thought he was going to go with it and have this experience just to see if he liked it, but whoa, he no likey.

The logical flaw in this (for me at least) was that Eva was a disturbingly good transsexual - so good that she was played by one of the most beautiful women in the world - a Matt fell for her? So? So did her son, and Christian and hell, I woulda too. why would this suddenly make Matt confused? It's not as if he could see her stuble line or adams apple (like the girl he picked up).

Still, I was glad to see him get his comeuppance, especially after all he's gotten away with in the first two seasons. How do we think his arc will play out? Will he come out of the closet, or dive back in and grab some bimbo-archetype to ease his bruised masculinity?

Very much liking this show, it seems very amoral, none of the characters are really 'likeable' in a traditional 'American drama' way (although I do find this is becoming a bit of a trend for tortured characters, ala House et al. Was this started by Six Fett Under?)
18:00 / 25.10.05
About the likability, Nip/Tuck is far removed from most shows in that its primary purpose seems to be to shock the viewer, and make you wonder where they could go from here, rather than have you really feel for the characters. I know whenever I watch the show, I'm at a distance from the characters, observing rather than empathizing. The only one I really like is Kimber, and sometimes Christian, the rest are all pretty distasteful.

I think it's different from Six Feet Under in that, at least for me, you basically like all the characters, but then they'll do things to disappoint you, just like real people. That's what makes the show so wrenching. Look at the resolution of Nate and Brenda in the last season, it hurts because you like these people and want them to be better than they are, but ultimately, they're victim to their flaws.

When Shawn and Julia broke up last season, I didn't really feel for them, I liked the development because it had the potential to lead to some interesting stories, but right now, I don't really care whether they get back together.

Yet, I think it's still got something that keeps me watching and entertained. I'm not sure where the English viewers are, but the last episode was one of their best, incredibly tense, engaging stuff.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:19 / 26.10.05
The fundamental problem I have with this show is that it makes you think "Y'know, that guy who was the Angel rip-off in Charmed could really do better than this." The Sean/Julia stuff is like watching paint dry.

Putting it in the same category as Six Feet Under is like comparing a Geoff Johns comic to Kill Your Boyfriend. Ranking it above Six Feet Under is a sure sign that some potent crack has been smoked.
14:04 / 26.10.05
Was this started by Six Fett Under?

I'm just a simple, dead man trying to make my way in the universe...
20:49 / 01.01.06
I think it's different from Six Feet Under in that, at least for me, you basically like all the characters, but then they'll do things to disappoint you, just like real people. That's what makes the show so wrenching. Look at the resolution of Nate and Brenda in the last season, it hurts because you like these people and want them to be better than they are, but ultimately, they're victim to their flaws.

I agree with you there. Nip/Tuck increasingly is full of horribly malign characters and characters whose moral decline has become so complete that you may never sympathise with them again. If anyone witnessed tonight's episode you may know what I mean.

And *POSSIBLE SPOILERS* Kimber maybe abducted by the Carver?
20:13 / 15.09.06
Anyone still watching this? I feel like the ending of season three went so far over the top it's difficult to take these characters seriously at all. Look at what Matt's been through over the course of the series, it's completely absurd, and there was some attempt to deal with that in this episode, but generally speaking, the events that occur don't make much of an impact on the characters. I was a huge fan of year one, but if things don't pick up, I could see myself dropping the show.
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