I've reread my comment, and I do seem to have ended up sounding overly critical. What I meant to say was that the image is primarily aggressive - when it turned up on my screen I was rather taken aback by its martial content. I'd be very interested to hear more about the intent behind the sigil: at the moment, the combination of the spiked legs, the gunsight and the gun make it look as if it's primarily designed to "search and destroy" : to me it resembles a sort of guard-dog entity. The wording of the original post is also interesting when taken in context with the image: it's clearly a troll countermeasure designed to return "bullshit aggro", but the words "defence" and "reflect" have also been used. It could be that the alarming nature of the entity is intended to reflect this negativity in appearance as well as function - hence the (in my mind) rather disturbing presence of the handgun, and the unemotive characterisation of the whole as a "robot". If this is the case, then the image fits its purpose very well indeed. However, I'd otherwise be a little uncomfortable about being defended by something bearing the symbol of a handgun: a weapon used only against other human beings, and carrying myriad negative connotations. Bearing in mind that the word "defence" is part of the job description, it might be more appropriate for a less soley aggressive weapon to be employed: perhaps a sword and shield, which would have associations of chivalry and knightly defense of the weak*? Sorry if I appear overly critical: I'm merely interested in the idea, and it'd be great if it was developed further. I'd really like to see more detail on the design process here, as I may be grasping at entirely the wrong end of the stick here.
*and also patriarchal oppression and feudalism. Arsebiscuits. |