Hello Barbelith!
As some of you may know, over the years I have thiefed a great many Items and Objects from other members of this messageboard. In some cases I lifted these things from your pockets so nicely and with such delicacy that you are still under the illusion that they are Lost, rather than Stolen. Others of you I have taken from with Threats and Promises or even Acts of violence.
However, in the same spirit in which I recently let the "caper and prate like a foolish simpleton for the sake of fifty quid" thread be unlocked, and thus let the Profits of a marvelous Heist be given to someone else, I have decided that in this thread I will return all the Spoils of my Crimes to the good people of Barbelith. And also the bad, stupid people of Barbelith.
Unfortunately I have never bothered to keep an Inventory of which Item once belonged to each Victim, so I would appreciate it if you could claim your property here, or else make suggestions as to whom each item might belong to.
Let's begin.
Item 1: A fine pocket-watch and chain:

Item 2: A half-empty bottle of meths:

Item 3: This bauble: