BARBELITH underground

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I give to you...a new member

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
01:42 / 20.03.05
In a--surprise surprise--drunken haze the other night, after an extended conversation about H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Anton Wilson, and a shared hatred for Stephen King, I recruited another member for our ranks. He will probably go under the handle Synod--if no one else has it already--and he has my full commendation.

Let's break him in proper, shall we?
8===>Q: alyn
02:36 / 20.03.05
Fuck him and fuck you.
02:46 / 20.03.05
8===>Q: alyn
02:47 / 20.03.05
Ha ha ha ha!

10:09 / 20.03.05
10:26 / 20.03.05
Where did I put those Hanging with Hanna dolls made from asscandles? Join us...
10:35 / 20.03.05
Well, bring him in. We wont hurt him you know.. just tickle him a little.. yeah, tickle..
10:51 / 20.03.05
Well, bring him in. We wont hurt him you know.. just tickle him a little.. yeah, tickle..

Assuming, of course, he has the right idea about Pirates and Ninja...
14:19 / 20.03.05
Well ofcourse.. and pie
17:27 / 20.03.05
and crumpets.
11:16 / 21.03.05

Let´s hear it for Synod! And I´d like some crumpets, too, please...
12:02 / 21.03.05
Hmmm. My brain just did a strange thing and wondered what a candle made by pouring wax into the holes of a crumpet would look like. I need to get out more.
12:24 / 21.03.05

Or what it would taste like. And does it affect the "calories-factor"?
12:47 / 21.03.05
You guys are just wrong
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:53 / 21.03.05
Nope, we're right, you're wrong. As proved by that post. Congratulations! Whenever I see you on Barbelith I shall encourage children to dance around you singing "Wrongo! Wrongo!" Soon people in the street will assume that is your name, until one day even your family/significant other/imaginary friend starts calling you 'wrongo!' too, and on that day my work will be done.

So far giving up Red Bull has had no effect on me aaaaaaaat all.
16:56 / 21.03.05
And does it affect the "calories-factor"?

Well, it'd probably be safe on both the GI and Atkins. I'm sure wax is no-carb.
haus of fraser
07:52 / 22.03.05
Hello Kali
20:53 / 22.03.05
So, where is this new member you speak of?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
02:56 / 17.04.05
He is currently tearing like a wolverine on fire through all the issues of the Invisibles, The Filth, and muttering to me when he sees me, "How did Grant Morrison get into my head?" And then I pat him on the head, take him out for a drink, and discuss the supercontext, its personal relevance to us, and why Terence McKenna is amazing.

Until then, I have forbidden him to join until his initation is done.
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