Having studied a whole ton of fan films back in the early 21st century, I find it half endearing, half disappointing that this one follows exactly the same conventions:
fade in and out of 3 intertitles (usually "the BLANK of a BLANK") -- structure based on the official trailer for Episode I.
mournful John Williams intro during title sequence... cutting into bright Star Wars March for faster, wordless montage
longer clips with dialogue, where the acting always starts to jar
lightsaber duel always with some superficial twist (two sabers, two women, purple blade, three duellists)
title with climax of theme tune
one line of dialogue as post-script after titles.
It's really almost astonishing how unadventurous these trailers are in their structure -- or perhaps how touchingly faithful they remain to the Lucas original, as if quality is measured by how closely it measures up to the official product. Which I suppose is exactly how many people are going to be judging it.
Funny how the acting looks rough even when they're not talking.
Otherwise, effects are superb: in this respect things have moved on significantly since 2001, when I last looked closely at fan trailers. |