Was the Iraq War actually about freedom, and the Bush Junta had to cloak it in WMDs in order to "trick" the American people into supporting the right thing?
That's a theory that I have heard from some moderates and people who aren't married to political parties, but I don't buy it. I also don't buy the "freedom is on the march" theory for a number of reasons.
First, the report that came out this week shows just how bad the lies were about WNDs, and the White House is either amazingly incompetent or they lied leading up to the war because they treated it the same way they treat science: Set the goal, and make the facts fit the goal on the way there.
Second: Iran has HAD elections for quite some time. Egypt saying they will have elections is not the same as them actually HAVING elections. Lebanon moving toward kicking Syria out has more to do with Syria over-reaching than Freedom being on the march. The Palestinians have been voting for a while, the US just hasn't liked who they voted for until Arafat died. And so on...
Third: The Iraq election wasn't this Huge Grand deal, in my mind. Iraq has had elections for years, they just had one fewer candidate that we have had here in the US...one of the major political groups boycotted the election, the government is rife with corrupt officials that were appointed by the US, and the new system the US put in place seems like it was made to incite a civil war.
Finally: As we see the major money scandals slowly claw their way to life, it's pretty easy for me to see that Iraq was more about money that freedom. Over $8 billion is simply missing, oil is flowing but no one knows how much, the money to rebuilt the county isn't being used to rebuild things like water filtration or electric plants, and the laws that Paul Bremer put in place are so corporation friendly that Ayn Rand would say they've gone too far. As for the US leaving, Bush has made it quite clear that the US will not leave until every drop of precious freedom and liberty has been pumped out and put on the world market.
I have no cognative dissonance over the war. It was wrong, it was economic, and the aftermath shows that in planned chaos, those in charge can make tremendous amounts of money. When Saddam said that when sanctions were lifted, he would be selling his oil for Euros instead of dollars, he may as well have said, "I want to be invaded", as that would have caused the US economy to collapse. Freedom may be on the march, but US debt is behind it with rifles, making sure it marches correctly. |