BARBELITH underground

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waxy dan
18:23 / 11.03.05
Truly horrible experience for anyone; hope you're okay.

Mine was walking home from work through Mile End; I (in retrospect, very stupidly) took a shortcut through the corner of the park. It was near-dark at the time, but I was never more than 20 feet or so from the main road so didn't think anything of it.

How I didn't actually notice the six guys surrounding me; I've no idea. But the first sign I had of their presence was a fist smashing into my face. Followed by a few more which knocked me to the ground, where I was kicked to and fro for a minute or so, while someone tried to get my bag off my back. Lots of shouting: "What's in the fucking bag?" "Exam papers, you fuck!", and so on. At one point one of them did manage to get my mobile out of my pocket which, as I'm quite proud of, I did manage to snatch back.

By this point I was shouting in, I'd imagine, a kind've crazy fashion and had gotten to my feet. As was pointed out, muggers are basically opportunists, so they ran off, leaving me ranting like a crazy person how "you could at least find my fucking glasses for me, you absolute fuckers, I hope you get hit by cars, you fucks... etc. etc." One of them, the youngest, runs back toward me. He starts shouting in a threatening manner asking if I know who he is and how I really shouldn't be threatening him or he'll "get" me. I reply that I do know him now. He realises that I can clearly see his face, brings his hands up to cover it, and runs after his mates.

All in all, not a fun way to come home. What really enraged me however, was realising my surroundings aferward. I stepped out of the park and called my flatmate to come around with a torch to help me find my glasses. Right by the entrance to the park, beside where I was having this conversation, and not 20 feet from where I was mugged, are two men at the bus stop. Of course neither intervened as I was being beaten, but, on top of that, neither asked how I was now, or offered to help me. I stood there for about 10 minutes, in a blood soaked shirt and tie, wiping my face to keep blood from my eyes and they stood right there by me until the number 8 came for them to hop onto.

One eye was swollen shut for a few days, the ridge of my nose acquired a new lumpy feel, and I couldn't eat anything chewy as my teeth would graze the bruises inside my cheeks for a week or two after that.

What I found the most disturbing about it was my changed attitude toward strangers. A feeling of suspicion at every passing stranger wearing a hoody. Also a tendency toward promoting violence where I could just as easily walk away. It was followed by several instances of my friends persuading me to walk away from someone giving us a hard time in a pub or on the street. They were suitably unimpressed with my seeking to enter some imaginary fray.

It wore off eventually, but it was a horrible change in perception for that period of time.
Alex's Grandma
19:03 / 11.03.05
Oh well, it's all water under the bridge now Sax, I guess.
03:10 / 17.03.05
Not nearly as devastating as the other tales in here, but I've had a few too many car stereos stolen. The last one was especially irritating, because the little shit cut himself on the window he broke. So I had to get a new window, a new stereo, and clean blood off the damn seats.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:41 / 17.03.05
Oh, car break ins...

I had the strangest car break in ever a while back. I had just finished up at the gym and drove to Uptown to my favorite coffee house. When I got back to my car, I opened the trunk to throw in the book I was reading and my gym bag was gone. In it's place was a black garbage bag of dirty clothes that weren't mine.

To think day I have no idea how they got in my trunk, why they left their dirty clothes or why they took my gym bag.
08:19 / 17.03.05
Sure it was your car?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:29 / 17.03.05
Shit. Horrible horrible horrible.

Last year, early January I was getting some cash from the HSBC in Camden High Street. I put most of it in my pocket, and turned round with a score in my hand (score=£20, for the benefit of our American chums), and this gangly little crackhead fuck just appeared out of nowhere and whipped it out of my hand! I somewhat surprised myself by chasing after him and bloody hell if the fucker couldn't run and dodge and weave! It was like trying to catch a fish.

I eventually got him, held on and wouldn't let go, and called the old bill on my mobile (I was outside Sainsbury's). By now a little audience had gathered to watch the show, and at this point the bastard stabbed me. With. A. Used. Syringe.

I can't tell you how much fun it was waiting a few weeks for blood tests. Luckily, by whatever miraculous grace, I was free of anything unsavoury. Still, I don't think I'll ever give a toss about £20 again.
08:53 / 17.03.05
That is really nasty. A whole new level of nastiness, in fact.

Sure, perhaps we shouldn't assume that every junkie has Aids, but I can understand extreme paranoia setting in after an incident like that. Christ.
09:17 / 17.03.05
I actually rescued someone from a mugger once (apparently the guy had been SAYING he's stab him with a syringe, but I'm fairly sure it was an idle threat)- not quite as heroic as it sounds, really. It just involved me doing a lot of shouting and hoping the guy wouldn't notice that I'm incredibly weedy while the poor kid got away.

The thing that really got me was that this occurred in the middle of the afternoon, on Tottenham Court Road, with tons of people, all of whom were probably harder than me, watching and not doing anything.
14:35 / 17.03.05
If anybody's a candidate for having assumptions made about his health, it's the guy who darts off with your money and then stabs you with an old syringe.
waxy dan
13:53 / 18.03.05
The thing that really got me was that this occurred in the middle of the afternoon, on Tottenham Court Road, with tons of people, all of whom were probably harder than me, watching and not doing anything.

That's what I find really horrible about most of these stories. There're usually other people present, sometimes in quite large numbers, but they don't interfere. Which I can't understand. If a gun was involved, or a group of people were fighting (i.e. the situation presented a serious danger); then I could understand a threat to personal safety. But in the middle of Totenham Court Road; you'd kinda assume that there would be enough people around to rescue you. That there would be some 'public outcry' and the crowd would come to your aid.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:26 / 18.03.05
Sure it was your car?

If it wasn't, I don't know why they would share my crappy taste in music.

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