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I'm nearly 30!

18:20 / 09.03.05
It's my birthday! Who else is old? Come to my party!

Saturday the 12th of March if you're in Brighton come to my party (see the Gathering)
18:34 / 09.03.05
happy pre-birthday! yes, i'm old, too (38). i just know i had some advice around here somewhere, but i can't seem to remember where i put it...
18:34 / 09.03.05
I'll be thirty next month. It hasn't really bothered me until very recently. But I have begun to feel odd and am starting to think too much about where I am in my life.

How does turning 30 make you feel Quantum?

I feel as though I have one month to make a success of myself.
18:38 / 09.03.05
I'll be thirty in November, and, TBH, I haven't really thought about it.

Sure, I feel older, I'm just not particularly anxious about it.
18:48 / 09.03.05
Happy 30th B-Day to you, Qalyn! It is a big year, I've been there a while ago, as I will be turning 35 this month, myself. (12 days from your own b-day). I hope it will be a stellar year for you, and just be happy that Logan's Run didn't predict the future of our civilization. Well, not as of yet...
19:17 / 09.03.05
That's exactly what I said about 6 months ago Boboss. You remind me of a *sob* younger me ...
19:20 / 09.03.05
30 sucks. There is nothing in my experience worse than 30 - it's a year filled with self-doubt and angst. Then 31 comes around, you're still alive (in most cases) and everything's fine.
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:46 / 09.03.05
Listen to Kinky Afro by the Happy Mondays, that'll help.
19:51 / 09.03.05
Oh wow, old people. It's- it's like being in museum.
Benny the Ball
19:58 / 09.03.05
I'm 30. Have been for three and a half months. Never been happier.
Brigade du jour
20:04 / 09.03.05
I turned 30 last Thursday. Honestly dude, it's just a number.
the Fool
20:08 / 09.03.05
I've been 30 for getting close to a year (birthday in June) and its not so bad. Sure there is a little angst because your not a fabulous 20 something anymore, but its not too bad either. At least the truly angsty days of teenconfusion are well and truly in the past and you should have some of your shit together.
20:09 / 09.03.05
Happy birthday, man. I would so come to your party, but I can't come back until the 18th because the won't let me out.
20:21 / 09.03.05
Strix, Quantum ain't Qalyn, they be different fellas.

The fact that my SO is in her mid-thirties helps assuage my worries. Also, I have no desire to be any younger. My late twenties have been far better to me than my early twenties.
21:59 / 09.03.05
Oddly, though, they've both just had birthdays.

22:04 / 09.03.05
Happy birthday, Quantum, I seem to remember 30 wasn't so bad (I'm 33 now- which I seem to recall was a bad year for such luminaries as Bill Hicks, Jesus and David Koresh)- I saw it in by dressing as a pirate, I seem to remember.
22:09 / 09.03.05
33 in a few weeks, and fresh as a daisy. To paraphase Thurber, I shit on the grave of my awful twenties.

Brigade du jour
22:37 / 09.03.05
Like a subservient parrot, I'd just like to point out that Stoatie's pirate appearance on his 30th birthday was most impressive.
07:33 / 10.03.05
GAWD! Did I call you Qalyn, Quantum? Oh man, I think I need glasses. See, that is what old age can do to ya!

Oh well, Happy Birthday to you, Quantum.

If you wanna play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, I am right over here. OUCH!
13:09 / 10.03.05
I'll be 30 this year. It's not bothering me, I feel the same as always. My sense of youth isn't tied to a number but to my creative output, so as long as I stay productive I feel young.

No, that sounds good, but the truth is I feel young because I still get carded. My self-worth thanks you, grocers of America.

No, no, that's so insignificant it's insipid. The true truth is that no matter how old I get, I'll always be younger than Oscar-winner Jeremy Irons. Imagine him hearing me say this near the fire pit of a Boer encampment and then raising one shadowy eyebrow just-so. It's like that.
Bill Posters
13:59 / 10.03.05
"At thirty-one, when some are rich and others dead,
I, being neither, have a job instead."
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:48 / 10.03.05
Thirty makes you dirty, where twenty gave you plenty.
I guess forty makes you naughty.
Fifty makes you old.

So its all good, dude. You may get less, but it'll be considerably filthier.

I'm thirty-one this year. Thirty is one of those stop and look moments, without a doubt. Like, wow, what the fuck happened to the last ten years? Last time i looked I was twenty-one, and the world was my oyster. I could be anything. Now, I'm cornered. I've made my bed, I'm going to have to lie in it!

Then you get pissed, and everything is as it was.

Actually, funny enough that's the biggest shift for me. I feel really guilty and pathertic if I get drunk like a twenty-year-old. you know, blackouts, offensive to people, that kind of thing. Luckily, it doesn't really happen anymore. I've become a proper grizzly old pisshead, last-one standing kind of affair, brandy at 4 am auld badger.

It's all good, really.
19:56 / 10.03.05
old? you call 30 old??

happy birthday, young'un... enjoy the good times, as a big liquor retailer here in canberra is wont to say on all his ads...

my adage is 'grow old, not up' keep that in mind and you're never really 'old'... : )
20:11 / 10.03.05
Thanks to you all you lovely people! Also Fool I still owe you a beer- might be a while before I get to Oz though... and I only just noticed stoatie's gud name- sstinky dogs suck like pirates (cats=ninja in my head)
I'll let you all know how it goes, toward angst or wisdom.
the Fool
03:29 / 16.03.05
Also Fool I still owe you a beer- might be a while before I get to Oz though...

I'll be in the UK in June.... I may come demanding that beer, LOL!
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