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Benny the Ball
12:42 / 08.03.05
Barbelith, to me, is like the Justice League of America - without the powers and the history and all that.

By this I mean, that there are people who belong to different 'versions' of the 'Lith, like the golden age (yeah, I know JLA weren't golden age) silver age etc, but all existing at once.

Personally I think that I belong to the Giffen/DeMattis version of Barbelith - not to be taken too seriously, kind of ignored as part of the overall continuity, not very heroic etc. If I were to be anyone, I'd be Blue Beetle (who'd be my Booster, I hear you not ask!).

Anyway, as you can probably tell, i'm in work avoidance mode, so if you want to play along, which version of the Justice League of Barbelith do you belong to?

To help here's an idea of what I think of certain people's roles;

Ganesh - Superman (come on, you all look up to him, revere him, love him, want to be him etc or something)
Xoc - Batman
Haus - Green Lantern - he's fearlessness.
Mordant Carnival - The Flash (Wally)
Sparky - Martian Manhunter
Flux - Green Arrow
Fridgemagnet - The Flash (Barry)
Whiskey Priestess - Wonder Woman

Kovacs - Maxwell Lord

this is going nowhere.
12:55 / 08.03.05
Whiskey Priestess - Wonder Woman

ha ha ha. unlucky.
(I'd heard they were casting Kim Basinger in the re-make!)

Benny - this isn't going no where - I think it's a really good idea. I was thinking of doing a kind of top trumps for Barbeloids, but couldn't really think what attributes might be worthwhile categories. Similarly and unfortunately for this thread, I have no clue about superheroes - but if there a character who's a bit feckless and self absorbed - I'll be them!
Benny the Ball
12:58 / 08.03.05
My god, Jub, in in the JLB there are many that fit that bill. Self Absorbed and Feckless - why sounds a little Guy Gardener to me.
Jack Fear
14:05 / 08.03.05
I was thinking of doing a kind of top trumps for Barbeloids, but couldn't really think what attributes might be worthwhile categories.


The Falcon
14:14 / 08.03.05
Who the fuck is sparky?

And in what way is Xoc Batman, except that he's Ganesh's boyf, in which case would you not be better going for the Authority?

And in which case, I'd be the practical Jackson King.
14:24 / 08.03.05
i'm a bit like the non-cosmic side of the original jsa (and affiliates): the red bee, hourman, doc midnite and mister terrific all rolled into one useless, druggy, blind, terrific package.
14:45 / 08.03.05
Who the fuck is sparky?

Nobody of importance, he shouldn't be on that list.
14:46 / 08.03.05
I think Haus is Batman.
14:55 / 08.03.05
Either that or Punisher.
The Falcon
14:56 / 08.03.05
Well, exactly.

Xoc could, at a push, be the winking, pre-Crisis, nice Batman, but that's about it.

In current DC continuity, I like to fancy myself as Warmaker of the Ultramarines.
Benny the Ball
14:57 / 08.03.05
No, Haus as Batman was too obvious - he's Hal Jordon - that dark, dark side.

Xoc is easier to imagine going 'feh' for me for some reason.

You can be villians as well if you want.

And Duncan Falconer - you're sounding an awful lot like Aquaman over there.
The Falcon
14:58 / 08.03.05
Sorry, dls, i'd have recognised your full username.
15:05 / 08.03.05
That's cool.

Everything is cool actually. I'm Martian Manhunter don't you know.
Jack Denfeld
16:21 / 08.03.05
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:42 / 08.03.05
Did someone just call me a flash wally?
Benny the Ball
16:49 / 08.03.05
Jack - Captain Atom. Well, maybe.

You have to suggest who you think you are and why, so come up with something better.
18:01 / 08.03.05
What about me?

Don't you dare say Gleek!
8===>Q: alyn
18:20 / 08.03.05
Can I be Clayface?
18:24 / 08.03.05
Well then, I'd probably be, ummmm, Kyle Rayner? I've still got newbie status around here, plus I art, I art all over the shop. Oh, and my girlfriend ended up stuffed in the fridge.

Benny the Ball
18:30 / 08.03.05
Mind those snaps, Triplets, people will think you're clicking your fingers, and before you know it people are calling you the mascot and you're part of a team that did nothing, post Invasion.

And yes Q, you can be Clayface - but which one?
Haus of Mystery
18:52 / 08.03.05
I'd be ALL of EXTREME JUSTICE. I have no fucking clue who was in it, but with a bit of luck it involved chains, claws, glowing red eyes, and lots and lots of callow casual violence. And cross-hatching.

That or the Beefeater.
18:57 / 08.03.05
I am sure I am closest to Zatanna.

I work on a stage.
I am a performer.
I am also a magician.
I have a costume that consists of a cape.
I wear only fishnet stockings, if I wear stockings at all.
I wear high-thigh boots, everyday.
I used to have mild dyslexia, (but I no longer need it).
I have to concentrate to make my magick work.
I have been rendered vulnerable by using my magick, occasionally.
I left home at an early age because I couldn't stand to look at my father.
I would probably sex John Constantine in a heartbeat.
Alex's Grandma
19:08 / 08.03.05
Well then, I'd probably be, ummmm, Kyle Rayner ?

But wouldn't life be so much better in the Ultimate Defenders though, chief ?
19:59 / 08.03.05
Ooooh, I'd like to be Snapper Carr.
20:18 / 08.03.05
I'm Elongated Man, circa Giffen/DeMatteis era (though possibly Gerard Jones JLE). Definitely lacking in the dead wife department.
Brigade du jour
20:25 / 08.03.05
Ok then, I'll be Gnort.

I'm furry and I think I'm funny even when nobody else does. Plus I have a nice ring.
20:26 / 08.03.05
I want to play, but I think I'm Wildstorm.
21:27 / 08.03.05
How about we open this up then and bring in the Marvel stable (including Ultimates) as well as the Wildstorm/Planetary stuff.

So I can show off, I've been called Peter Parker by three seperate people since 2004, due to geekiness, glasses and *cough* concealed but defined muscle tone (true!).

I don't heart spiders, tho, but we won't be be called Venom, oh no we won't.
Benny the Ball
21:37 / 08.03.05
Oh, but it's the JLB. You have to come up with a damned good reason to get Spiderman into this team, pal!

It's Jack O' Lantern for you from now on.
22:06 / 08.03.05
Then I shall be Hellstrike. Ha. Yes.
Benny the Ball
22:18 / 08.03.05
Chad, as a Detroitee you should be looking to be a member of the League from their days there - maybe Steel?
Benny the Ball
22:21 / 08.03.05
Anyone needing tips can look here;

Liger Null
22:40 / 08.03.05
I want to be Hawkgirl. Can I be Hawkgirl?
23:37 / 08.03.05
Is Steel more or less shit than Hellstrike? And I'm not so much a Detroiter. It's my Krypton is all.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
00:28 / 09.03.05
I dig Aztek. Can I be Aztek? It doesn't matter if they're dead , does it? It's comics, after all. He had the whole newbie thing going on, and I always liked that dope helmet.

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