Barbelith, to me, is like the Justice League of America - without the powers and the history and all that.
By this I mean, that there are people who belong to different 'versions' of the 'Lith, like the golden age (yeah, I know JLA weren't golden age) silver age etc, but all existing at once.
Personally I think that I belong to the Giffen/DeMattis version of Barbelith - not to be taken too seriously, kind of ignored as part of the overall continuity, not very heroic etc. If I were to be anyone, I'd be Blue Beetle (who'd be my Booster, I hear you not ask!).
Anyway, as you can probably tell, i'm in work avoidance mode, so if you want to play along, which version of the Justice League of Barbelith do you belong to?
To help here's an idea of what I think of certain people's roles;
Ganesh - Superman (come on, you all look up to him, revere him, love him, want to be him etc or something)
Xoc - Batman
Haus - Green Lantern - he's fearlessness.
Mordant Carnival - The Flash (Wally)
Sparky - Martian Manhunter
Flux - Green Arrow
Fridgemagnet - The Flash (Barry)
Whiskey Priestess - Wonder Woman
Kovacs - Maxwell Lord
this is going nowhere. |