There are lots of different kinds of parties, as has been made clear. Mine usually tend to be two-stage, two-day kind of deals... First stage is the intense, short stage, involving the short-term drugs, the small-timescale attendees - usually the loudest and busiest stage. Around five in the morning, we've scaled down to the hardcore and some late attendees, all of whom are into the more lifestyle oriented shit - recurrent coke or ecstacy users and those for whom speed is still a fun longterm diversion (ie, kids, losers, psychos and - most importantly, idiots with no longterm memories). Around then, the movies start coming out - usually old John Hughes movies, bad horror, that kins of thing. We always talk all over them. At around eight-ten in the morning, people start going out for more fag/booze. Sometimes, we've run out of speed, so more is necessary. Last Easter for Ma'at's birthday, we had a four day bender involving buttloads of speed, a good few pills, plenty of Monty Python just when we needed it most, the pub, Shaun Of The Dead (for me) and a bit of nice dancing to eighties/nineties alternative music. Across the whole weekend, that worked rather nicely. Music and food is optional and, in some cases, barely noticeable when you're that trawlered... |