So I first discovered Mu through the track 'Let's Get Sick' (which has some of my favourite percussion sounds on any song ever), but their new album is quite different - there's little that's that immediate or accessible, you have to give the songs time to get into a groove, which is difficult because they can also be rather intimidating.
Production wise, it's like a weirder take on the !!! etc sound, with occasional excursions into genuinely scary weirdness. Everything you need to know about the vocals you can glean from looking at the cover:

Mu also come up with the best song titles you could wish for: 'Tiger Bastard', 'Haters', 'Stop Bothering Michael Jackson', 'So Weak People', 'Like A Little Bitch'...
Favourite track so far: 'We Love Guys Called Luke', which starts off sounding like Le Tigre and then descends into a drunken argument with a bartender: "Five pound ninety nine? That's so expensive! I don' wan' it!" |