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Amiga emulation for idiots

admiral sausage
18:52 / 06.03.05
Hello, just been daydreaming about my misspent nerdy youth, and am wondering if there is anyone out there who is running an Amiga emulator.

Ive down loaded E-uae, and Hi-toro, but I think I need a boot disk but have been unable to find one on the web (if pushed I might be able to find my old on up in the loft)

This site seems to have the ROMS but im not sure if they are compatable with the emulator ive down loaded.

Ive got an Apple mac running OS 10.2.3, but can boot in OS 9.

Cant wait to play all those old Psygnosis and bitmap brothers games. Any help would be appreciated.
20:10 / 06.03.05
I use WinUAE 0.8.23, for which I have the ROM of pretty much every game I used to play back in the days of yore.
As for bootdisks, you'd be extremely lucky to find them anywhere on the web, since Amiga did a very good job at closing down all websites featuring them, and threatening legal action to any who made them available..., check your email, and you should find a zip file containing all the workbench and startup ROM versions that I've just sent to you.
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