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New Barbelith stripping/go-go advice thread

Jackie Susann
04:29 / 03.03.05
Hi all.

I've been hired to go-go between acts at an (otherwise) all girl rock band night in Sydney. I have to dance in four brackets, and I am trying to work out a good, go-go-ish costume for each set - it is not often you get a go-go gig where you can wear whatever wacky-arse shit you like rather than a plain it's-what-the-punters-want g-string. It may seem ridiculous, in fact it is ridiculous, but I am pretty excited about the chance to treat go-go as some kind of art form and not (just) some kind of transaction.

So I have decided I will be a clown for one set (not sure exactly what I will wear, obv. clown make up and wig, giant shoes if I can find them, and something brightly coloured for the crotch). I will probably do formal wear for one set (novelty tuxedo g-string, bow tie, tuxedo jacket). And I will head down to my favourite spot for novelty underwear to see what else I can dig up.

But I appeal to the genius of Barbelith. In your wildest dreams, what do you think a go-go boy should wear?
Jack Fear
10:10 / 03.03.05
A superhero costume of some sort—possibly Robin the Boy Wonder? red vest, green g-string, yellow capelet (every go-go act needs a capelet), domino mask... hey, it was good enough for Eminem.
11:13 / 03.03.05
Ahem. In my ideal world, strip acts would involve someone changing out of formalwear into an embroidered dressing gown and then firebreathing with a snifter of brandy, a cigarette holder and a world-weary expression. Probably to the tune of 'These Foolish Things'.

But if you've got a nice dressing gown, or even some decent brandy, you'd probably not want to fritter it away like that.

So my second, more perennial popular suggestion is: Sailor suit. With extendable flagpole.

Do you get to pick the music?
12:09 / 03.03.05
Dress exactly like Goldie Hawn on "Laugh-In."

Including the eyelashes.

13:27 / 03.03.05
I'll go the other way and suggest you invest in a "furry suit".

Not certain of your musculature, and skinny boys gyrating alone is sad and awkward. I know. Make yourself a mascot, work out the kinks of looking cool/ironic while wearing it, and rock out. The heat will get you, but it's for art's sake.

Hey, it worked for Justin and the Flaming Lips.
14:33 / 03.03.05
Going off Chad's idea, I'd recommend a hand puppet. I shudder to think what you'd do with it, but it's none of my damn business. Even if I do keep checking this thread over the next few days. Try the next best thing to a furry suit motif - Feral Boy! Tattered loincloth, furry boots, giant knob of bone, for gnawing purposes. If you can't get your hands on a chunk of wildebeast, consider perhaps a bucket of turkey drumsticks that you can chuck at the audience.

The firebreathing idea is solid gold, if you've got the time and epiglottal fortitiude. A show stopper, like. And although your clown motif scares the living shit out of me, I'd suggest the big pants with trick suspenders, to drop and raise yer drawers at a moment's.

Damn, now I want to go-go dance, but I, sadly, am a skeletal white guy. Maybe I'll get myself one of those skeleton-suits, all black spandex save for a glow in the dark bone structure, cane and top hat, and look extra-emaciated within the confines of a man-cage.
juan de marcos
16:52 / 03.03.05
I always thought that if I had to strip to the tune of "You can leave your hat on", I would leave my hat on my (hopefully by then) erect coat hook.
14:42 / 04.03.05
High heels and paint.
17:26 / 04.03.05
It would be stealing, but an "Imperial Stormhooker" uniform made from white plastic garbage bags and black electrical tape never fails to get an audience reaction. Blaster pistol not optional.

Oh, and do you have a gasmask? Be sure to remove the filter first, though, or you could hypoventilate once you really get moving.

Clowns are scary. Might I suggest a sexy matador? Again with the capelet.

Liger Null
17:36 / 04.03.05
The skeleton idea sounds sexy as hell...makes me think of that scene in Amelie.
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