Going off Chad's idea, I'd recommend a hand puppet. I shudder to think what you'd do with it, but it's none of my damn business. Even if I do keep checking this thread over the next few days. Try the next best thing to a furry suit motif - Feral Boy! Tattered loincloth, furry boots, giant knob of bone, for gnawing purposes. If you can't get your hands on a chunk of wildebeast, consider perhaps a bucket of turkey drumsticks that you can chuck at the audience.
The firebreathing idea is solid gold, if you've got the time and epiglottal fortitiude. A show stopper, like. And although your clown motif scares the living shit out of me, I'd suggest the big pants with trick suspenders, to drop and raise yer drawers at a moment's.
Damn, now I want to go-go dance, but I, sadly, am a skeletal white guy. Maybe I'll get myself one of those skeleton-suits, all black spandex save for a glow in the dark bone structure, cane and top hat, and look extra-emaciated within the confines of a man-cage. |