Hehe. Oh yeah. That's really beautifully written LVX, and so so so familiar.
The work just passed was exactly as you described as reagrds the Earth Mother...I had an incredibly ancestral journey which culminated in my being accepted back into the womb of Mother Earth, making love to the planet, and having a baby, which was me, reborn. It was so incredible.
Sunday was a White Work, meaning everyone wheres all white, except the ladies, who wore these white dresses with green sash decorations and diamonte crowns as befits amazonian princesses.
It was San Antonio's day, and thanks to some off board discusssion with Gypsy Lantern, I was lead to investigate some of the syncretic associations of this particluar Saint in African religions, many of which are practiced throughout Brazil. And my goodness me, were they ever present on the day.
I'm still not quite ready to go into the experience yet, I need a few more days to let it integrate into my self. Funny enough, this thread has been read by a few of the peeps at the work, some first timers, who Googled [xxxxx], and hey presto, this thread is right there on the first page, which made me smile...
Ancestry, ancestry, ancestry. It was all about ancestry. My forefathers and mothers, and their significance in my current manifestation.
As well as that, I had a retinue of elven beauties, think Salma Hayek, Kylie Minogue, Halle Berry, and awhole host of international flavours as rendered by Pixar through the lens of a manga cartoon attending to my every psychic whim throughout the whole day. Literally, like a King I was! These little hyperelves could not do enough for me, no task was too great, no wish too much for them to fulfil. And how they giggled and winked and played.
Yeah, right. I WISH, right? Still, there they were.
And A pinkish/purple light came and made friends with me right early on, a small playful glowing ord, no bigger than a drawing pin (thumb tack for our American counterparts), and as playful as Tinkerbell, endlessly dancing around me, and zooming through me and leading me down a particular path (of the many I could see). It went away occasionally, but always returned, as playful as ever, as if it insisted on being my friend no matter what...
I had made the error of going to the gym in a bad mood the day before, and had overdone it...So I had a very quiet work in terms of dancing and joining in...I had to do vast amounts of yoga and sretching and supplication on the floor to heal my body...And this was what the pink light effectively lead me too - the knowledge that these plants ARE TEACHERS and all you have to ask is the most simple question, the most basic request, the most humble enquiry:
Please, give me clarity, and help me to heal.
Only that. That is all that need be asked, and it will be given. Clarity and healing. See, if you need to understand how to integrate perfectly with your environment, there seem to be two essential steps.
One, understand that the division is false: You are your environment are one thing, arising always and already.
Two, ask your environment.
Imbibing this bark and leaf from the cradle of life on this planet, in a remote area of the Amazon basin, in a dense Jungle which is pure life, this potion which has been made with pure intent over many moons in specific and magickal tradition for centuries, and which is brought with a sysxtem of incantationa nd music to protect and guide the purge and the healing session is a very effective way of surrendering your self to the wisdom of your environment. It is a method of shutting down the ego, removing the armour, and allowing a pure knowing into the body - not the 'mind' (tit bon ange, thanks Gypsy), the body, which IS the Mind (gwo bon ange).
And [xxxxx], the drink, is the Mother. She is Divine, and Beautiful and I love Her, deeply. The entire process is the most important thing that has ever happened to me....I feel like a little kid, it's what I always hoped being a grown up would be like - a regiment of wizards and witches with a time and space machine healing the Universe. OK, it's not a DeLorean. Or a machine at all. Its a plant technology. But it is technology, a subtle and ancient technology for travelling time and space and healing thyself. Which is the same thing as healing the Universe. I mean, you have to start somewhere, right?
I have also discovered the Father, as far as I can tell. I'm not going to go into it until I have taken the journey, which I am going to do this year. Something else. Another plant technology, this one the Daddy to the womb of the [xxxxx]. It's a big undertaking, I have to go to another country, but I have met the Shaman who is going to take me, and got the comlete rundown on what is involved, and I'm there...soon. No doubt I'll be back here to discuss when it happens.
Anyway, it looks like I'm going into it in spite of myself, so I may as well continue!
I was up at the crack of dawn on the Sunday, 5 am, as I was babysitting a friends little 7 month old, and he woke up at 3 am and 5 am. Not ideal, but thems the breaks. I steamed some broccoli and had it for breakfast, which as it turned out was not the wisest of choices. Brrrrp.
I did plenty yoga, a complete run through of my asanas, and also some prayers / appeals to the sensibilities of San Antoniio and his syncretic lwa in Vodoun, Papa Legba. Thanks to the esteemed Mr. Lantern from these very hallowed halls, I had been inspired to investigate our Papa, and found him to be extremely relevant to my journey, so I had decided to give him appropriate offerings, and keep him in mind. I even brought his Veve to the work, as an invitation.
Legba, since he often appears with a dog, is also associated with the Fool in the Tarot, and the Fool is Aleph in the Hebrew gematria. Aleph is, among other things, 831, the sun, the moon and the stars, and 61, Air, the life breath. Interesting.
My I Ching produced a changing situation this time, my first, ritualised as ever casting producing 39, Obstruction with a moving first line transforming to 63, After Completion
My meditations on this made great sense, particularly as Huang, my favoured divination text, has different translations to the Wilhelm classic which is copied in those links. Still, they cover the same general ground.
Arriving at the work, it was huge, the biggest ever that I have been party to. About 90 people were there, roughly evenly distributed, though perhaps a few more men than women. People from all walks of life, and many different nationalities.
We drank more tea than I've ever drank before, this was the longest work yet, the actual work itself lasting 8 hours. Twice I went for two drinks consecutively, gulp, wait 5 minutes, gulp again, on top of the 4 actual rounds that we all had. Again, some of this [xxxxx] was almost fizzy, so so bitter like vinegar that had been carbonated. I had the most wholesome purgation, right through to the distant dusty corners of my system, every single poison in my body flushed through by this frankly enormous dose of sacrament.
As i said, I had to do a lot of physical work outside of the dancing apparatus this time...I silently vowed to never again abuse my body in anger the way I had done the previous day. I had to spend a lot of time on my knees, head on the floor, arms out in front, or occasionally tucked back by my ankles, rooting myself to Mother Earth. That is something I really got fromt his session - be more like a plant. Be more like a plant. Rooted. Stretching towards the light, against the flow of gravity, while utilising that downwards pull to root deep deep in the Beautiful Planet. Roots and Stretching. Be a plant.
The music was even greater than 'usual' (hah) if such a thing is possible. I spent a long time next to a particularly badass percussionist, digging his rhythmic flow intensely.
I was deeply in my body and less cosmic, more Earthbound than in any previous work...As I mentioned up post, I was intensely journeying through my ancestry, and pondering the meaning of that...The hinario, the prayer book, we were using has a picture on the front of the current patron of the moviement, holding a picture of his father, who, in the picture, is holding a picture of his father, who was the founder of the movement, Irineu, the ruuber tapper who was introduced to the drink while working in the forests. The legacy has been habded down father to son ever since, and in the background of this incredible picture, like a mirror reflecting a mirror, stretching back through begingless time the forest itself. I went deep deep down that road, and plan to investigate my ancestry as deeply and thoroughly as I can.
Not much more to add this time round. The feast was awesome, moreso than ever before, beautiful beautiful food, all vegetaruan organic fruits, shoots, seeds, salads, cakes and breads and sauces and soups. Yummy. I met some beautiful new people, some of them live right near me, so I hope to see them again, I have started to get to know some really good good friends from this experience, in which much of the usual bullshit is way out of the way before you get to ask anyone's name!
Peace, Strength, Love and Light to you all.
(*) [redacted] |