Oh yes, that´s the only thing I do each day, prowhatever.
What I should be doing:
Call my tax consultant
vacuum clean my appartment
write my lawyer
wipe the kitchen and the bathroom floor
go to the photocopy shop and copy the documents for my lawyer
need to buy milk, eggs, noodles,...
buy emiliana torrini concert ticket(16.march), before it´s sold out
wash up the dishes
almost dinner time, and I don´t have anything here to cook!
trim my beard
get 100 € back from my health insurance
buy new lottery tickets
My pathetic excuses for procrastinating:
It´s cold and snowing outside, and I wait for the post to bring me my "24, Season 3 DVD-Set". If I´m not home when they ring, I have to get it tomorrow at the post office, and it´s too cold outside (the night before last was the coldest night for years!)
Oh, what would Jack Bauer think of me |