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Looking for countercultural entertainment in london

13:44 / 28.02.05
apologies but am in need of stimulation and wondered if any of you knew of a good website for listing lectures on countercultural topics, stuff life psycho-geagraphy, wierd-science, fringe politics, cultural ephemera, nothing too new age (in fact nothing new age at all) and with some mental substance
have had some fun at the horse hospital and dana centre recently but looking for a new kind of kick

any ideas greatly appreciated

14:31 / 28.02.05
Well, Julian Vayne's giving a talk on psychogeography next week at LEMC but have I got this completely wrong? Two people have told me it's tomorrow. Mail and ask I guess a few Barbeloids will be going - there's a thread in the Temple I'mnot going if it's tomorrow but might if it's next.
14:38 / 28.02.05
Treadwells also has good lectures of a high standard - there's a series on wicca and sexuality going on at the moment which doesn't seem to be listed on their site. May be veering too much he mystical for you, I dunno.

Of course, you miseed the *cough* one that I gave....
Bill Posters
14:39 / 28.02.05
no, you've not got it completely wrong, i did, it is next week AFAIK.
10:33 / 01.03.05
thanks for these tips, will keep an eye on these

06:08 / 02.03.05
And there's more. might be more up your street:

Edit - this isn't me doing this, I'm just crossposting a mail.

New Cross and surrounding area has been a source of musical creativity
from the Music Hall-era through to punk, reggae and up to the present day.
As part of the Telegraph Hill Festival, I will be doing a talk on 'The
Sounds of SE14', illustrated with excerpts of music from bands and artists
linked with the area (OK, I might stretch it to include bits of Brockley and
It all happens on Saturday 5th March 2005, at the Telegraph Hill Centre
(next door to St.Catherine's Church at the top of Pepys Road), SE14. Doors
open with music from 8:00 pm, with the talk starting at 8:30 pm sharp with
the aim of finishing by 9:30 pm to allow plenty of drinking time

Entrance is £3 including a copy of my 'Deptford Fun City: a ramble
through the history and music of New Cross and Deptford'. Expect to hear,
and hear about, Louis Armstrong, Spike Milligan, John Cale (of Velvet
Underground), Malcolm McLaren, Bonzos, Dire Straits, Kate Bush, This Heat,
Alternative TV, Ozric Tentacles, Jah Shaka, Squeeze, Blur and much more besides.
07:29 / 02.03.05
i am so there

was umming and ahhing but then saw that you were going to play some dire straights and thought, well, be mental to miss that wouldn't it?


08:43 / 02.03.05
Doctor Beck - is your name Andrew by any chance?
08:47 / 02.03.05
BTW, that's not me doing that, just in case there was any confusion.
08:57 / 02.03.05
Beck, we don't really do the signature thing around here.

Liquid, there is a very small possibility that I'll be in town on Saturday, so I'll come along if I can. Sounds really interesting.

How long have you been at the public speaking? I do a bit of public speaking for work - induction talks, training workshops, that kind of thing - but I'd shit it big time if I had to talk about my own enthusiasms. I can see the appeal, though.
09:36 / 02.03.05
Liquid gives great talks, his lecture last month "Money for Nothing and your Chicks for Free" was outstanding.
10:50 / 02.03.05
Obviously, Part 2, "Chicks for Nothing and Money for Free" will be of more interest. Nah, that's the first one I've done, Bossoboy but it was a lot of fun - I actually really enjoyed the writing and research, and all the extemporising around themes, so I'd be up for doing more.

Having said that, I'm teaching now, so standing in a room before 20 or so nice polite occult types seems like a walk in the park.... no hoods, scowls or adolescent machismo. (Well, okay, some of the pagan crew are like that but not many).
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:59 / 02.03.05
That SE14 thing sounds great. Can't make it but someone let me know how it was? (old stamping ground.... wafts off, nostalgically... )
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:17 / 02.03.05
Radiospace has some interesting stuff on it eg:

Wirelessfm live from StAgnes Place - posted on 27th January 2005:
St Agnes Place celebrates 28 years of sqatting history and culture with 24/7 radio broadcasts

And if I weren't already busy, and even so, I might try and get along to this:
St Agnes' Place Benefit Gig:

Featuring: skinnyman, extremists, manage,precise and dj snuff. syanyde, c.l.g, wordsmith, disscuss n bagz, sunken heads, hiphoperatives,end of dayz,

When & Where: Sat 12th March 2005 - 8pm till 4am Bar Lorka, Brixton, London

Why: St Agnes Place in Kennington, South London, is the last street of its kind. It’s a squatted street that has provided sanctuary to 1000s of people over the The last 29 years, with no reliance on housing benefit. Home to the Rastafarian International HQ, resting travellers and otherwise homeless Londoners, this multi ethnic community with its amazing history and Incredible mix of characters now faces eviction.
Having lived in harmony for nearly 30 years ,this community should be allowed to stay. This benefit party hopes to raise funds to keep the bailiffs at bay for as long as possible. - Fight the power

Eroding empire have a pretty cool directory of spaces/stuff going on if the squat thing is yr scene?

(streams of old progs, but a good place to find out about things going on....)

(oh and if yr SE14 way, wandering around Goldmiths/the lewisham Arthouse is not a bad way of finding out about happenings?)
07:05 / 03.03.05

just thought i would add this if anyone is onterested, free lectires on the fringes of science but fairly reputable

one on nanoculture coming up looks interesting, went to a very good one on monkeys and murder there last year, nice venue too.
Lilly Nowhere Late
09:20 / 04.03.05
You could just become Mark P's friend but failing that, keep an eye on
I'm sure it will tell you all you need to know...
Read it or listen to it on Resonance FM
08:05 / 07.03.05
thanks for reminding me about strange attractor
you know i used to go to strange attractor events at the horse hospital but they seem to have been quiet recently. miss the off the wall brilliance of some of their stuff

the music talk at new cross on saturday was good and informative, tho no bar which seemed a shame
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