The last two movies which caused me to tear up a little share the same kid actor, incidentally. I saw Finding Neverland with a friend - we've been in search of a mutual filmic high for some time now, and although the Merchant of Venice came close, we still haven't found it. I am too lazy to fully articulate why I found Finding Neverland a lacking experience, but until the end, I certainly was bored (even though it served as an interesting coda to Heavenly Creatures*). After the death of Winslet's character, the kid and Depp share a conversation on a park bench. The kid had such an articulate face, such a convincing nerve in his portrayal that I couldn't help myself cry a little. But then, neither could most of the crowd.
Last week, I got my regular batch of new movies from a friend. Among them was Deux Freres. The uneven but sweet tale of a couple of separated tigers, charmed me enough to shed a tear when things got bad. And the kid was there yet again, with a badly synchronized french accent. I tell you, whenever the tigers are on, the proceedings are electrifying.
* = OMG! Peter Jackson's masterpiece... However could I have forgotten thee? The scenes leading up to the murder are brilliantly structured. The nervous, slightly hysterical tone (tick tock!) followed by a mesmerising calm before the storm situation, and punctuated with a potent melancholy while the girls and the mother walk through the park is gee-neh-us. Enhances the cruelty of the ensuing murder, the end result being horrified tears on my face. |