Just went and saw this.
Um, it was fair. And that's about the nicest thing I can say about it.
It starts off pretty solid--despite the hokey gyspy Tarot card lady in the beginning--and pretty chilling, but after the first act is over, watch out. Implausibility after implausibility comes out--yeah, I know it's a damn werewolf movie--and then by the time the supposed denouement comes along, you're left wondering, "What the...?" Even Williamson's trademark red herring ending and twist don't make any sense. "So...he was a good guy despite it all, and now he's evil? Huh?"
I read that this film had been rewritten and reshot quite a bit, and I can see why.
Nonetheless, mildly entertaining, but script-wise, lacking in so much potential.
My two cents.
Rebuttals or agreements, please! |