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A country inside Vienna

02:08 / 25.02.05
Does anyone knows anything about this? That a man created his own private country inside Vienna? I've heard it from a friend and became very interessed in the subject. It was not a political or an art project. Just his own country. And it seems that the local goverment approved, and recognized the sovereignty of it.

sorry about the bad bad english.
10:33 / 25.02.05
This means nothing to me.
13:01 / 25.02.05
I think you probably mean The Republic of Kugelmugel. I don't know if it has so much been "recognized as sovereign" as "patted on the head and allowed to continue" (as a tourist attraction).

From the link:

"Kugelmugel is a micronation located in Vienna, Austria.

"In 1984, the artist Erwin Lipburger built a ball-shaped house with a barbed-wire fence around it on a small plot in the Vienna Prater and declared its independence as the Republic of Kugelmugel (the name referring to the shape). The only address within the proclaimed Republic is "Antifaschismusplatz 1" (1, Anti-Fascism Square), and the founder is the only citizen. He refused to pay taxes to the Austrian government and began to print his own stamps, for which he received a prison sentence in court. Only a pardon by the Austrian President saved him from going to jail.

"As Kugelmugel came to be quite well-known in the public, it also became a tourist attraction of Vienna."

14:46 / 25.02.05
There's a similar place in Australia called the Hutt River Province.
All Acting Regiment
20:39 / 02.03.05
And long may it continue, quite frankly. More people should do this. It's kind of like what we're seeing on the internet with people having their own domains, no?
18:09 / 04.03.05
Yeah, theres a lot of this Micronations (this seems to be the name of it) that only exist inside the internet. Some of this "nations" are just silly, but others are very interesting.
Brigade du jour
14:35 / 01.04.05
Sorry, can I just do a quick 'we're not worthy' at Ganesh? I laughed so hard I probably spat at my computer!
07:16 / 02.04.05
Yeah, way to try put the smackdown on a thread, Ganesh. He's an agent of "BIG government", to be sure.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:12 / 05.04.05
Am I being slow here, or is ^someone else^ missing the gag?

Ah, fuck it, the feeling is gone, only you and I...
Mourne Kransky
12:59 / 05.04.05
Don't worry, Money $hot, his is a voice reaching out in a piercing cry.

It stays with you until...
Brigade du jour
00:15 / 07.04.05
Bloody staccato strings ...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:36 / 07.04.05 fades in the distance.

This could just run and run, eh?
12:48 / 07.04.05
Actually, the "piercing cry" happened the morning after I posted that. Rest assured, that hangover chastised me somethin' fierce. Feel free to continue, though.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:15 / 07.04.05
There's a tiny country off the east-coast of the UK IIRC, an old lighthouse or somesuch, can't remember the name.
Brigade du jour
00:12 / 08.04.05
Is that true?

Or have I just revealed myself as the idiotic beneficiary of a belated April Fool prank?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:40 / 08.04.05
Found it. The Principality of Sealand.
23:26 / 20.04.05
I recently wrote to the United Nations asking them what terms I would need to fullfill in order to be declared soverign.

I'm guessing good old queenie won't want to give up soverignty of any of her land, and I don't own any, so it won't be within the UK. However I figure it probably wouldn't be too difficult to buy maybe a 5x5 mile piece of land from a third world nation for some horribly not small sum of money under the agreement with the countries rulers that the land will be soverign. This is my life plan.

I should add, the the UN failed to get back to my email. The bastards.
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