again I agree with sleazenation
it pandered to the 'Hell yeah!' fraternity in a back handed way
that said it did make me laugh, parrticularly the nastily worded letter from the UN line and the puppet sex scenes were funny as hell
sleazenation hit the nail on the head for me though, whilst it was oh so deliciously naughty and vulgar......it ultimately played it safe and was yet more justification and back patting for the current US regime's world view
the humour did not disguise that the producers were playing safe and pandering to the Gung Ho mentality. Whilst allegedly mocking the actions of the US when trying to protect France from terrorism, I bet there were numerous dimwits who found the thought of the US destroying Paris in an effort to save it, hilariously funny
freedom fries anyone?
Not only that but for me the film was too damn long and the humour ran thin towards the end |