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Team America: World Police

unheimlich manoeuvre
02:08 / 24.02.05
Was I the only person to enjoy Team America: World Police?
Twilight of the Idols baby! It knocked everyone and had good fun doing it.

Gary Johnston: We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are a inch and half away from assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.

What did you think of it?
15:37 / 24.02.05
It knocked everyone and had good fun doing it.

But did it though?

It knocked named liberal/left leaning actors
It knocked the former head of the UN weapons inspection team, Hans Blix
It knocked left wing propagandist, Michael Moore
It Knocked North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il

However it didn't knock any named western politicians, any named neo-conservatives, or any named hawkish commentators.
18:30 / 24.02.05
It doesn't specifically name him but it looks suspiciously like Tony Blair sitting in the audience and being suitably affected by the Aids song and dance number towards the start.

Although Sleazenation is right, is doesn't knock everyone.

Made me laugh a lot though. I love the way Stone and Parker manage to be so shocking and manage to offend so many people just by being what is essentially, massively childish.

The F.A.G. gag was a perfect example and for me, one of the funniest things in the film.
07:20 / 28.02.05
again I agree with sleazenation

it pandered to the 'Hell yeah!' fraternity in a back handed way

that said it did make me laugh, parrticularly the nastily worded letter from the UN line and the puppet sex scenes were funny as hell

sleazenation hit the nail on the head for me though, whilst it was oh so deliciously naughty and ultimately played it safe and was yet more justification and back patting for the current US regime's world view

the humour did not disguise that the producers were playing safe and pandering to the Gung Ho mentality. Whilst allegedly mocking the actions of the US when trying to protect France from terrorism, I bet there were numerous dimwits who found the thought of the US destroying Paris in an effort to save it, hilariously funny

freedom fries anyone?

Not only that but for me the film was too damn long and the humour ran thin towards the end
Peach Pie
09:43 / 04.06.05
But it wasn't funny. At All.
11:44 / 04.06.05
Can't see it. The title alone, however it's meant, drains my meagre humour resources dry.
Foust is SO authentic
19:58 / 04.06.05
it ultimately played it safe and was yet more justification and back patting for the current US regime's world view

And I thought it was completely the opposite. The movie dripped with irony, from the first frame to the last. This was a vicious mockery of neo-cons.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
22:07 / 04.06.05
Yeah, it was making fun of the people who make fun of who they were making fun of by making fun of them in the stupidest way. Parker and Stone are friends with Matt Damon, and it was George Clooney who helped them land their deal with Comedy Central.
00:08 / 05.06.05
The entire movie was an obvious parody of Bush's foreign policy. So there was really no need for an actual depiction of Bush or other neo-cons..
Peach Pie
15:53 / 06.06.05
But it wasn't funny.

Q: why do actors campaign for peace?
A: because they're all pussies and fags.

ho ho ho
17:52 / 06.06.05
Oh, come on, how could you not love the line: "Gary, you can't blame yourself for something gorillas did."
17:54 / 06.06.05
The dicks-pussies-assholes passage was hilarious but other than that movie wasn't that great. I don't even recommend it as a rental.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:10 / 07.06.05
And risk them missing "Pearl Harbor Sucked (And I Miss You)"? I'd rather wish someone Herpes Simplex B. "(There's Gotta Be A) Montage"? Sure the movie in between the songs isn't much to write home about (except for the vomiting of course) but it's got the hands down best soundtrack ever, including the pitch perfect action movie melodrama score.

"Buck o' five..."

At least reccomend the rental and have them just fast forward to the credits, which is a convenient medley of every original song in the film.

....Always fade out in a seems like more time has passed when you fade out in a montage...
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