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Bill Hicks Live! dvd

wicker woman
05:00 / 23.02.05
At the beginning of the 'Revelations' show on the dvd, Bill reads off this quote before the actual show begins:

"On December 16th, 1961, the world turned upside-down and inside-out, and I was born, screaming, in America. It was the tail end of the American Dream; just before we lost our innocence irrevocably, when the tv eye brought the horror of our lives to our home for all to see.

I was told when I grew up I could be anything I wanted: a fireman, a policeman, a doctor, even President, it seemed. And for the first time in history, something new, called an astronaut. But like many kids, growing up on a steady diet of Westerns, I always wanted to be the cowboy hero. That lone voice in the wilderness, fighting corruption and evil wherever I found it, and standing for freedom, truth, and justice.

And in my heart of hearts, I still track the remnants of that dream wherever I go, in my neverending ride into the setting sun."

I cannot remember where this quote comes from; I know I've read it before. Hell, it might well be Hicks 'quoting' himself and I just don't recall it. Any help?
06:04 / 23.02.05
I checked, and that is in fact Bill Hicks' listed birthday, so he probably said it, but I have no idea where or when.
lord nuneaton savage
07:38 / 23.02.05
Isn't it also quoted at the end of Preacher?
Don't have any back issues to hand so I can't confirm that, unfortunately.
lonely as a cloud...
08:06 / 23.02.05
Probably is. I'm pretty sure Jesse Custer quotes Bill Hicks at some point, too.
08:16 / 23.02.05
AFAIK, it was written for Revelations.
09:09 / 23.02.05
I'm pretty sure Jesse Custer quotes Bill Hicks at some point, too

And meets him. And wanks him off with a sock full of liver, in what has to go down as one of the most embarrassing Mary Sue moments in the history of comics.

"Holy shit! You're a preacher!"

"Well, ah reckon that makes two of us. Ah'm nigh-invulnerable when I'm blasting. Gambit, ah can never touch you."
lonely as a cloud...
09:17 / 23.02.05
With a sock full of liver? Sounds fun.
Yeah, that sounds just about right.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:03 / 23.02.05
At the end of Revelations he does a whole spiel about not being afraid and life being a ride. Does anyone have a copy of that in text form. I want to tattoo it on to my cock so I can read it whilst wanking into a sock full of liver.
wicker woman
03:56 / 25.02.05
And meets him. And wanks him off with a sock full of liver, in what has to go down as one of the most embarrassing Mary Sue moments in the history of comics.

"Holy shit! You're a preacher!"

"Well, ah reckon that makes two of us. Ah'm nigh-invulnerable when I'm blasting. Gambit, ah can never touch you."

You're a sick, sick man. You used the greatest line in all of comicdom ("Ah'm nigh-invulnerable...") for a cheap joke! Like I said, sick.

I'll have to dig out that issue of Preacher and see if the quote is in the lettercolumn.
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