Did I catch most everything?
Mmm... I think the whole "how did a guy with virtually no journalistic experience get White House media credentials and access to confidential and dangerous CIA information" (discussion of outing of Valerie Plame here) might be worth including in the top paragraph.
Daily Kos has been following this one pretty closely, as I gather has AMERICAblog, from which this post has been quoted:
More blah blah blah about Jeff Gannon's private life being offlimits. Let's all say it again, loud and clear. Jeff's previous job, and apparently current job since the Web sites are still live, is not his private life any more than outing Hotline reporters as, well, Hotline reporters is their private life. Whether they like or not, whether I like it or not, running a prostitution service goes against every family value that this administration and Guckert supposedly stand for.
Where was the high-and-mighty Hotline when George Bush, with the help of buddies like Guckert, tried to write me and 20 million of my friends out of the Constitution last year? Where was Accuracy in Media, the conservative bloggers, and everyone else who is defending Guckert's "private life" when my private life was going to singled out and savaged in our nation's most sacred document simply to get a few votes?
And so on and so on...
More, possibly, when it's not six in the morning. |