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I'm Rick Jones, bitch
13:10 / 17.02.05


From Yahoo News:

That's what fans of the studio's classic cartoon characters might be asking after they get a look at the new, futuristic versions of some of their favorite animated heroes, which Warner unveiled yesterday.

The Looney Tunes characters — six in all — have been "reimagined" (in studio parlance) for a new series called "Loonatics," which is set to air next fall on WPIX/Channel 11 as part of the Saturday morning Kids' WB program lineup.

The show features new versions of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, the Tasmanian Devil, Road Runner and Lola Bunny (the newest of the characters, who was introduced in the 1996 Michael Jordan movie "Space Jam").

For "Loonatics," the six characters are being projected 700 years into the future, given superpowers, and outfitted in tight-fitting, slenderizing space gear.

Apparently, falling anvils and exploding cigars are no longer enough to keep kids 6 to 11 years old entertained.

"This is a kids show intended for kids today who are growing up in the Internet age, an age of technology, an age of hip, cool animation, and something that we hope will resonate with that age group," explained Sander Schwartz, president of Warner Bros. Animation, in a phone interview from Hollywood.

He said the characters' superpowers have not yet been finalized. And neither have their names, although they are expected to have names close to those of their ancestors (think Buzz Bunny).

And what of all the other classic Looney Tunes characters? What about Sylvester and Tweety, Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Pepe Le Pew, Speedy Gonzalez and Marvin the Martian?

And what about Porky Pig? Is poor Porky destined to stutter and remain fat and pantless for the rest of history?

Schwartz said Warner settled on six characters because that's as many as a half-hour ensemble show can handle. But he didn't rule out guest appearances by some of the other legends of Looney Tunes, although in futuristic form.

But cartoon purists, raised on the easy-to-understand hilarity of Elmer Fudd blowing Daffy Duck's bill off with a shotgun blast to the face, might rightfully lament the fact that their own kids won't get a chance to grow up exposed to that same kind of classic comedy.

To that complaint, Schwartz notes the old Looney Tunes cartoons will likely run forever on some channel or another, including the Warner-owned Cartoon Network and Boomerang cable channels.

"And secondly," he said, "these are cartoons. Lighten up! They're fun and the existence of one doesn't preclude the existence of another."


Eloi Tsabaoth
13:12 / 17.02.05
Read his last sentence and go and have a mug of cocoa. I'm a huge Looney Tunes fan and somehow this bothers me not a jot...
23:50 / 17.02.05
I think that those are the pointiest cartoon animals I've ever laid eyes upon.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
00:17 / 18.02.05
More spikey than Sonic, yes.

When you need to look hard to tell between Daffy Duck and roadrunner, you need to fire your art department.

Yet more evidence of the "big crunch" pop culture has been going through for the last four or five years, I fear.
Eloi Tsabaoth
09:00 / 18.02.05
It's Tiny Toons for the Batman Beyond generation. Nothing new about this at all...
14:33 / 18.02.05
It looks terrible, but then I thought Tiny Toons and Animaniacs were gonna be crap too until I actually saw them (and was properly amazed). Still, this really looks bad...
John Octave
15:17 / 18.02.05
I dunno about "rage," but I don't get it. I thought the whole point of having corporate icons like the Looney Toons is that they're easily identifiable and recognizable by the masses. And seeing as how they're not even using the same names (Buzz?) anymore, I don't see why they're bothering.

Although I was pretty mad when the Looney Toons tried to sell me Time-Warner Cable.
17:11 / 18.02.05
It's Tiny Toons for the Batman Beyond generation. Nothing new about this at all...

You didn't just call BB shit did you? That stuff was cool!

Eloi Tsabaoth
17:15 / 18.02.05
No, I was drawing parallels between BB and Loonatics (Both Warner Bros, set in future, 'descendants', stylised futuristic black costumes). Batman Beyond is pretty good in my opinion. How this will be depends on the quality of the animation, voice acting and the writing. Which is difficult to judge from one picture and a press release...
00:52 / 19.02.05
It's Tiny Toons for the Batman Beyond generation. Nothing new about this at all...

exactly. i don't see what the problem is. i mean, it might be crap, but BB and Tiny Toons (and Animaniacs) were both excellent, and, either way, it doesn't affect the original characters at all.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
01:46 / 19.02.05
Benny the Ball
05:59 / 19.02.05
I think it looks okay. As long as they inject some humour into it (which really isn't evident from that trailer) it should be good. I quite like the design of it. Plus they called Taz, Spazz, which is just fantastic, as that word needs to be used more often by the youth of today.
07:43 / 19.02.05
after seeing the trailer, i think it's safe to say this show is going to make WB approximately one gajillion dollars. this is like Looney Toons through a Teen Titans/Batman Beyond filter with a shot of all the "kid spy" shows that are so hot right now. kids are going to eat this shit up.

i might have to watch it myself.
17:54 / 22.02.05
>> When you need to look hard to tell between Daffy Duck and Roadrunner, you need to fire your art department.

LOL! Even with their new looks, they all look verrry similar.
20:05 / 22.02.05
I've stayed out of this because I'm not the demo.

But now that I've seen the .mov file, I want to jump in, just to say WB is doing it ALL WRONG. First off, CONCEPT. Global Threats™ fended off by talking animals is funny(WE3 notwithstanding) and OUGHT to be! You could keep the look, I don't mind the angularity, but keep the heart! By making this into Gargoyles Beyond(both great shows), you lose what makes your characters so unique and ownable. Ownable absurdity is what makes these characters work, and has been at the heart of every iteration, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, the films... etc ad infinitum. You lose the humor at the heart of these characters and fill it with guile and attitude, you lose the Warner Brothers icons, and get ugly reflections.

Second, POWERS. It seems everything is a damn superhero nowadays. And that means an aggressive, violent, additional "super-power". In addition to Gargoyles and Batman Beyond, now they're co-opting X-Men. Who cares about a badass Bugs with "laser eye vision"? What makes Bugs cool is his metamorphic properties. Somebody please link me to another rendition of crossdressin' Bugs in all his glory. Bugs overcomes adversity by confronting it with absurdity. THAT in superhero context and agled art would be amusing. Especially if he averts Marvin the Martian Invasion by making them think he represents an even bigger Invasion Force composed of opera singers on horseback. Making Taz muscle is blah. Roadrunner as "speed" is just boring.

On to CAST. Lola will be boring and representative of the super-ice-cold female agent, and if "Roadster" talks, instead of beeping, ugh. But Spazz will destroy things, and that's always cool. But why not really draw from the WB archives and recruit from across the WB spectrum? What if the team had Babs Bunny from Tiny Tunes and the Brain from Animaniacs? What if Yosemite Sam led one team, all guns and brass, and Bugs led another, more sly and successful? Most of what makes a team dynamic fun is the actual dynamic.

It's only a kids show, but I suppose we're in the "Modern Age" of Saturday Morning cartoons.
21:21 / 22.02.05
22:18 / 22.02.05
A character called Spaz will be the most unintentionally controversial name since this little dude:

wicker woman
05:37 / 23.02.05
but then I thought Tiny Toons and Animaniacs were gonna be crap too until I actually saw them

Quick one; how could you have ever thought Animaniacs would be crap?! Sinner!
14:32 / 28.02.05
Now more than ever, the time is right for someone to pitch DOVER BOYS 2099....
19:27 / 28.02.05
Future, schmuture, what are Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote doing on the same team?
21:12 / 28.02.05
Just what I've been saying, Grant. The concept and the look and the powers don't tweak me out so much as the wrong-headed idea that all these characters are somehow on the same side. Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner should be chasing one another around, not trapped in a spaceship. Taz shouldn't be on anyone's team; he'd be trying to EAT them, for God's sake. And Lola Bunny is NOT a classic Looney Tune; she's been in two crap movies and has had less screentime than Hello Nurse, Minerva Mink or Merry Melody. Why not give them a retread?

Hell, where are some of the other classics like Sylvester, Tweety, Speedy, Foghorn or Pepe? For that matter, was it really that taxing of the WB animation dept. to create ORIGINAL CHARACTERS? You know, ones with which you could have done just about anything rather than trying to stay somewhat true to the characters you're creatively raping anyway? My guess is that they're modestly pleased with THE BATMAN's numbers, and thinking that nobody minds when iconic characters are stripped of all but the barest recognizability they applied that model to their core property. Bad move, my babies. I think I'd rather see a show rejiggering the core Disney characters into more realistic versions of the animals they represent than this. This just looks like visual Pixy Stix.

John Octave
03:56 / 01.03.05
Future, schmuture, what are Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote doing on the same team?

Well, what are any of them doing on a team at all? Aren't Looney Tunes characters by their very nature anti-social? Daffy is narcissistic, Taz is destructive, Wile E. is relentlessly obsessed, and Bugs is pretty much a hermit. He just wants to be left the hell alone but there's always some hunter or opera singer interfering with his leisure time; if it weren't for their bugging him, he'd almost never interact with anybody else.

But I'm sure I'm taking this too seriously. But damn it, if kids don't learn about anti-social behavior from Warner Bros. cartoons, where will they learn it from?
06:41 / 15.03.05
Slightly inane and yet totally conceivable spoof
15:34 / 29.04.05
Shockingly, WB has backpedaled on this thanks for the efforts of a kid's petition:

Boy's campaign saves Bugs Bunny

Petition convinces network to make characters less menacing

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Posted: 4:09 PM EDT (2009 GMT)

Thomas Adams' petition asked Warner Bros. to create new characters instead of "ruining" the old ones.

TULSA, Oklahoma (AP) -- Eleven-year-old Thomas Adams thought Warner Bros. had gone daffy when he saw the company's plans for a new cartoon called "Loonatics," based on Bugs Bunny and his Looney Tunes pals.

The grimacing, hollow-eyed, power-fisted prototypes of a futuristic Bugs, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner struck the boy as dark and scary. In the words of Daffy Duck, he found them "dethh-picable."

Now, nearly two months after starting an Internet petition drive against the TV series' fall debut, Thomas has gotten the company's attention.

Warner Bros. Entertainment spokesman Scott Rowe said his company wants the thousands of fans upset by the made-over characters unveiled in February to know "that's NOT all, folks." (Warner Bros. is a division of Time Warner, as is CNN.)

Those "early drawings" have been revised into characters that are softer and less menacing, he said. "We heard the outcry from fans, including Thomas," Rowe said.

That's enough to draw an emphatic "YESSS!" from the lanky fifth-grader who started the stir with fewer than 20 signatures on a piece of paper at his private school.

Thomas couldn't figure out what was up with the plans to turn the old Looney Tunes gang into their Japanese anime-styled descendants. The prototypes depicted sword-eared superheroes, such as "Buzz Bunny," battling evil in the year 2772.

"Those weren't the Looney Tunes I know," said the boy, whose favorite classic character is the Tasmanian Devil "besides Bugs, of course."

Thomas' parents, Rachel and John Adams, suggested he might have more success by taking his drive to the Web. A family friend who runs an Internet design business was willing to help.

Between piano lessons and shooting hoops, the boy pedaled his bike to the friend's house over several evenings to work on the site's content. On February 28, came on line.

The petition asked Warner Bros. to create entirely new characters for the series instead of "ruining" the old ones.

Within days, the response had overwhelmed the family's home computer. By late March, more than 25,000 people from around the world had signed the petition. After a CNN story on Thomas aired in mid-April, the site had tallied 80,000 signatures and 95,000 hits, the family said.

"Keep up the fight," fellow fans urged in their e-mails, calling the boy an inspiration.

The passion of fans for the old characters is understandable, said Bob Bergen, the voice actor behind Porky's stutter and Tweety's "putty tat" the past 15 years.
"They've been around since the 1930s," he said. "They've been around as long as classic motion pictures."

Bergen, who decided at age 5 he wanted to be Porky Pig and "just pursued it," is not involved in the new series' development, but he cautions fans against rushing to judgment before it airs.

"The kids who are going to be seeing this are not as versed in classic Looney Tunes as these fans are," he said. "Let the target audience be the judge."

The "Loonatics" -- scheduled to air Saturday mornings come fall on Kids' WB! -- is aimed at 6-to-11-year-olds. Test groups loved it, Rowe said.

It's not intended to replaced the original characters, which appear in new episodes on Cartoon Network and classic shows on the network's station Boomerang.

"We just wanted to create something that would be accessible and fun to a new generation of kids," he said.
He said the redrawn characters will be unveiled at a later date but that "Loonatics" will remain an action-adventure show.

Thomas, who has dreams of becoming a cartoonist or comedian, hopes Warner Bros. also will continue to create new episodes for the old Looney Tunes gang.

Thrilled to have made a difference in a way his mother calls "a David and Goliath story," the young activist is considering a new protest.

"I was thinking about doing one against homework," he said.

05:28 / 20.07.05
Hieronymus- Hilarious. Thanks for that. I'm still laughing.
08:32 / 20.07.05
I've been wondering where this little project went off to last.

The latest skinny, from

Warner Bros. has released new concept art for its controversial Loonatics series. The new artwork keeps the color schemes for the characters but discards the angular and slightly menacing look for something that has a bit more anime styling to it. Additionally, the network seems to be making it clear that the series is "inspired by" the classic cartoons and that the characters are descendants -- not reworked versions of the originals -- presumably due to the protest of the characters' styles. Additionally, as noted before, the name of Buzz Bunny has been changed to Ace Bunny, due to the name "Buzz Bunny" already being used for a decidedly maturely rated product. As stated in the Loonatics press release, the characters get their powers from "cosmic dust."

The voice cast and lineup for the series has also been announced, featuring veteran US voice actors for the main roles and a healthy dose of guest stars that range from stage and screen actors (Tim Curry, Vivica A. Fox, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Florence Henderson) to industry veterans (Tom Kenny and Phil LaMarr).

The Loonatics, along with the characters that inspired them, are as follows:

  • Ace Bunny (ancestor: Bugs Bunny/voice: Charlie Schlatter): quick witted leader who has martial arts and "laser-lock vision"
  • Lexi Bunny (ancestor: Lola Bunny/voice: Jessica DiCicco): second in command who can blast things with her mind and has hyper hearing
  • Danger Duck (ancestor: Daffy Duck/voice: Jason Marsdsen): arrogant duck who resents Ace and wants to lead the team: can teleport and toss "magical energy spheres"
  • Spaz B. Wilde (ancestor: Tasmanian Devil/voice: Kevin Michael Richardson): the destruction expert who can destroy things with deadly tornadoes and super strength
  • Rev Runner (ancestor: Road Runner/voice: Rob Paulsen): a super fast talker who has embedded GPS technology and the ability to race at superspeeds
  • Tech E. Coyote (ancestor: Wile E. Coyote/voice: Kevin Michael Richardson): supergenius who is the team's gadget guru -- also has regenerative abilities, electromagnetic powers, and "mechanical mastery"
  • Zadavia (voice: Candi Milo): the mentor of the Loonatics who sends them out on missions

  • Loonatics will premiere this fall on Kids WB.

    So it looks like, at least, they're putting greater distance down between this and any previous characters. And at least the little bastards have pupils now.

    The Buzz Bunny bit made me smile.
    12:57 / 20.07.05
    cosmic dust...riiiiight.

    Jason Mardsen might as well just become comic book poster boy nowadays - X-Men, Superman Returns, didn't he do v/o for Justice League, and now this...
    A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
    13:47 / 20.07.05
    Jason Marsden and James Marsden.
    15:04 / 20.07.05
    oop, thanks...
    15:36 / 20.07.05
    Actually like Buzz Bunny better... Bucky O'Hare this ain't.
    nyarlathotep's shoe horn
    16:07 / 20.07.05
    Bugs Bunny is the quintessential Trickster figure.

    I have my doubts that anyone behind LOONATICS has managed to capture that particular spirit.

    then again, that's the nature of the trickster - can't catch 'em...

    but somehow, this scares me... maybe it's all the grey hair I'm sprouting.

    ten ix
    07:52 / 21.07.05
    Those new designs are fucking terrifying, dead Akira Toriyama eyes staring at nothing. Forever.
    13:02 / 21.07.05
    The Bugs Bunny character shouldn't have "laser lock eyes" whatever that is. He should be a master of disguise.

    "Don't worry, guys! I'll just dress up as a dame and seduce those guards!"

    Mark my words. Follow this path and it will never grow old.
    13:48 / 21.07.05
    It's not that you're old, Tenix, it's that this truly sucks.
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