BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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Whoring out another forum, try #2.

wicker woman
08:17 / 11.02.05
Accidentally stuck this in Policy & Help to start. Anyway...

The Citadel of Truth, a spinoff from the Penny Arcade forums. When Gabe (Tycho?) tanked the Pit of Hate a couple years ago, quite a few of us had made it 'home', so to speak, and one of us took it on himself to make a new forum for us to play around in.

Problem being, we don't normally (read: never) go advertising for new members, and we don't have a webcomic of any sort to naturally attract attention, so things tend to stagnate on occasion.

If you're looking for someplace to lounge about at some point, feel free to poke your head in. Be forewarned, extreme causticism (?) isn't unheard of there. It's a fun place, though.
10:08 / 11.02.05
Hey, here's a crazy idea: LET PEOPLE REGISTER.

Fucking ZANY.
Tryphena Absent
13:01 / 11.02.05
Well that would be a great suggestion Triplets, if it came from someone who knew how to use the board. You know, someone who posted in Policy and Help.
wicker woman
03:29 / 12.02.05
Hey, here's a crazy idea: LET PEOPLE REGISTER.

Fucking ZANY.

Er...? I obviously haven't had to register there in some time, but no one's brought up any problems with registering. What's going wrong?
Spatula Clarke
16:27 / 12.02.05
It worked fine for me.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:39 / 12.02.05
I think that's a comment on the present non-registerality of the Barb, not the other forum.
Spatula Clarke
16:42 / 12.02.05
Might have been more use in the correct thread, then. Although probably not.
8===>Q: alyn
21:53 / 12.02.05
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