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Building websites —fun?

17:00 / 10.02.05
Hey ya'll. Some of you know I mean to vacate my job and residence this summer, and in anticipation for the job hunt to be, I'm building a portfolio website. But I have muy pequeña experience with Dreamweaver, and you are all so much smarter than me.

I have questions about tables and anchor navigation, but I'm not sure those things make sense to any of you. You know that thing where in our posts, you click a link, and it merely moves you up or over to the relevent portion of a thread? I want to know how to do that!

Also, if anybody has any good sites where simple code is explained with examples, I'd really appreciate it!
17:35 / 10.02.05
Webmonkey is widely regarded as the best place to go for beginning web design info.
The "links" section of this page has the info you need:

<a name="NAME"></a>
Creates a target location within a document

<a href="#NAME"></a>
Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document
18:02 / 10.02.05
This page too, for Barb's web knowledge people should come in handy.
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