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I am never coming back here again!


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18:12 / 26.02.02
You guyz are assholes cuz check this out:


you think that you need to use all this good punktuation and big ass words but you are really just elitists fucks ok ya whats up now?????

I fuck your hotdog, you little

flllyyyyyyyyyying in the sky with pretty little birds i like to dance with my inner vaginal hair happy children in nike factories that party wuz rad ya

anywayz, ya'lls think you gotta do witty OBSCURRRRRRRRRRE references to pop culture and SECRET SPECIAL THINGS while being all fuckin like ya man you suck and I am

LEAVING this board because you guys have really

SHOWN me the truth about humanity ok
18:13 / 26.02.02
Stay away from the brown acid, Rage...
pointless and uncalled for
18:14 / 26.02.02
Makes me wonder if knowledge is a disease.
18:15 / 26.02.02
I no take that shit I wuz no at WOODSTOCK 69 ok I'm not hippy just NEO that NO CULTURE

freakin merry go rounds
m. anthony bro
18:17 / 26.02.02
well, have fun. Stay away from sharp things.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:26 / 26.02.02
Gone? GONE! An' never called me "mutha"!

Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:28 / 26.02.02
quote:big ass words[/QB]

Antidisestablishmentarianism (does my ass look big in this?)
Mourne Kransky
18:43 / 26.02.02
disturbing image from Rage Undoubtedly Rulez
quote:my inner vaginal hair

Having kept my eyes shut during gynaecology lectures this is news to me and I just can't handle it... There's an inner vagina too? Neither wonder I was so shite at heterosexuality.

And don't go Rage. There's so much I still have to learn...

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: ZoCher ]
18:58 / 26.02.02
Well, I've obviously been missing bits too.

And I thought getting a bikini line wax was bad? Owwww....

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:03 / 26.02.02
Please don't fuck my hot-dog. It's not used to inner vaginal hair.

I really hope yr just coked or P.O.d, or summat and not really orft. Those obscure pop culture references? They're not obscure, they're just really fucking old. Most of us punctuate for shit, we just use a kind of scattergun effect in the hopes that it'll end up in the right place.

If you stop posting on Barbie's Undies, I'd be reduced to stalking you thru yr live/dead journal. Which would feel all weird and icky.
19:24 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Rage Rulez:
anywayz, ya'lls think you gotta do witty OBSCURRRRRRRRRRE references to pop culture and SECRET SPECIAL THINGS

Damn it! He's found out about our SECRET SPECIAL THINGS!!! Somebody stop him before he writes about them in his online journal!

(And to think I'd thought my secret special thing would safe here....)
The Monkey
19:54 / 26.02.02
I happen to have three squadrons of flying monkeys for rent. Guaranteed to keep SECRET SPECIAL THINGS secret and special, or your money back. But you have to pay for the bananas. And I suggest you find an umbrella that can stand up to monkey shit.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find more obscure pop culture references so I can continue to effectively alienate and condescend....
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:15 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by gridley:
Damn it! He's found out about our SECRET SPECIAL THINGS!!! Somebody stop him before he writes about them in his online journal!

"He"? Darn. I don't know if that's pecial, but it was pretty secret.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:33 / 26.02.02
I understand less of what's going on in this thread than I do of the five-dimensional astro-obstetrics of the Space Whales of Blarg.

Anyone care to give me a clue? Even an irrelevant one about the mysterious death of Cock Robin?
autopilot disengaged
20:33 / 26.02.02
geez, emcee, keep up - rage wuz tha big GM, remember?
20:40 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Rage Rulez:


yeah, we are. Sorry.
20:47 / 26.02.02
So sorry, darling, that's life among the evolved.
autopilot disengaged
20:59 / 26.02.02
seriously, though - i do hope rage is fucking around. i would miss her. plus, now i feel guilty for being the person who maybe, most recently, got snotty in one of her threads...

my oop.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:05 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by autopilot disengaged:
geez, emcee, keep up - rage wuz tha big GM, remember?

Harruph? Wha'? GM? Since when?
autopilot disengaged
09:08 / 27.02.02
since she said so, in the ahem thread.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:08 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by autopilot disengaged:
since she said so, in the ahem thread.

Well, yeah, but since she also claimed to be the Knowledge I assumed she was JOKING.
autopilot disengaged
09:08 / 27.02.02
dude. she was deadly. serious.

the Great Morrisino came amongst us and we warped his fragile mind...! oh, cruel, cruel fate - that i should destroy all i hold dear...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:08 / 27.02.02
Booolsheeeeet. Cameron Stewart said it was not GM and the word of someone calling themselves Cameron Stewart is good enough for me.

If that was GM then we should make an omlette of him and then feed it to Bobcat Goldthwaite, that we might Heimlich out of Goldthwaite the 3rd Testiment.
—| x |—
09:08 / 27.02.02

I love my Cap'n Crunch decoder ring.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:08 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by modthree:
I love my Cap'n Crunch decoder ring.

Ah-HA! So that's the dark secret behind your cryptic messages.

[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: Mordant C@rnival ]
autopilot disengaged
09:08 / 27.02.02

(this isn't helping, is it?)
—| x |—
09:08 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Mordant C@rnival:
Ah-HA! So that's the dark secret behind your cryptic messages.


Too bad for you Ms. Carnival: you know too much. Please be expecting black helicopters and white unmarked vans to come 'round and collect you...

<insert maniacal laughter here>
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:08 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by modthree:
Too bad for you Ms. Carnival: you know too much. Please be expecting black helicopters and white unmarked vans to come 'round and collect you...

Bloody hell, is it Friday already?
—| x |—
09:08 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Mordant C@rnival:
Bloody hell, is it Friday already?

Everyday is Friday 'round here sweet pea...

<insert more maniacal laughter>
The Monkey
09:08 / 27.02.02

look, the secret prison-island for people who know too much is packed. no quantity of poking with cattle prods is going to get more on. the budget for bagels and tranquilizer gas is astronomical, not to mention the costs on maintaining all of the surreal-kitsch decor and paying off the midget manservants.

no, modthree, i don't care if she's fairly compact and doesn't eat much. you're just going to have to find another shadowy conspiracy to do your locking-up for you.
just just take your maniacal laughter and shove off for the Secret Isthmus, or perhaps the Penninsula of Mystery. shop's closed.

a least until we sacrifice everyone to the volcano god.
—| x |—
09:08 / 27.02.02
Ah flark! You coulda' at least sent me a memo!

What's that? You did send out a memo? Last month yet. Oh. Well, er...hold on a sec.

"Starr! Get your sorry ass in here this minute! And get that butt plug outta' there, this is no time for fun and games. My man Monkeys sez that we shoulda' received a memo regarding the island prison. What's that?!? Well, I've had about enough of your blunders!"


OK. There should no longer be any more missed memos on this end. I guess we'll simply have to let MC figure she's escaped our clutches this time...

Can't we change the calendar so that sacrificing thing is next week?!

{0, 1, 2}
The Monkey
09:08 / 27.02.02
No, no, and NO!

Ritual sacrifices paired with cannibalistic learning are precise affairs. When will you humans and your accursed filofaxes learn...?

Anyway, I'm spending that weekend in the digestive tract of an Archon.
09:08 / 27.02.02
Well, monkeys, you'll have to beg for it this time, I'm in no mood to have you and your midget friends waking me up late at night playing goofball in my duodenum.

[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: I'm Not Here de Jade ]
09:08 / 27.02.02
Rage is 'avin' a larf... OR (DUM DUM DAAAAHHH!) Is it Bop again, just DREAMING he's Rage 'avin' a larf...
Or even GM DISGUISED as Rage DISGUISED as Bop DISGUISED as Sir Angus of the Pru-hune DISGUISED as Robin Hood DISGUISED as

my head hurts
10:39 / 27.02.02
my head as well, but mostly from laughing rather than thinking too hard

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