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Waaaay Advance Planning

16:26 / 08.02.05
Like, the first week of August. Someplace cool, not super pricey, maybe near interesting pubs or shops or general touristy stuff? Any recommendations would be shiny.

I've been before (twice), hubby hasn't. Want it to be a fab trip, as it's our anniversary.

Thank you, lovely people.
16:27 / 08.02.05
Er... I might should have put this in Convo, actually. Sorry.
16:30 / 08.02.05
Unless, of course, someone wants to throw a party in our honor, or meet up at a pub.
Tryphena Absent
17:11 / 08.02.05
I dunno, you thinking about staying in a hotel? Why don't you do a search and then come back with some places and we'll give you the verdict on the area!!
19:41 / 08.02.05
I'm a big fan of B&B's and hostels, personally; I've always stayed in big hotels in London before, but I was actually wondering if there were some smaller, more intimate (and possibly cheaper) places anyone knew of.
00:06 / 09.02.05
When in London last spring, we stayed in a quaint little hotel next to Victoria station. Don't stay in a quaint little hotel next to Victoria station. While it's walking distance to interesting places, it's terribly noisy at god-awful hours.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:17 / 09.02.05
I've had friends come over and stay in a B&B in Stoke Newington where we live which they thought was pretty right on. It's called The Rose And Crown and is a decent pub as well. It's not near much typical tourist stuff, but is near a lot of good "locals" shops and pubs and restaurants and is a bus ride away from several tubes which easily get you to the tourist stuff. I can get the contact info for you if you're interested.
07:52 / 09.02.05
Hotels in London aren't great; they tend to have tiny little rooms for lots of money. It depends what you can afford really - do you have a budget in mind?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:02 / 09.02.05
What Ariadne said. London (indeed, British) hotels are often not what they should be. My instinct would be to say "find a tedious but serviceable small hotel in a nice area if you can, and spend your money on not being in the hotel very much". London has few if any hotels of character and charm (unlike Paris, which actually has a register of charming hotels) and many grumpy, ill-administered behemoths and slovenly guesthouses. So I suppose you probably need a Rough Guide or a Lonely Planet and the Good Hotel Guide to London or maybe a pub guide which will list pubs with guest rooms, and a map of the places you want to have access to and the transport system, and take your pick.

Since you're thinking of visiting London in the height of summer, may I also suggest that you look for somewhere out of the centre, and preferably on a hill and near some green stuff. If you've got the budget, try Highgate. There are also some digs near Great Portland Street which are reasonably close to Regent's Park and not far from Oxford Street if you can't cope with being too far from Soho.

Otherwise, depending on what you're planning to do, you could take somewhere outside London proper and use the trains to come dashing in, see the sights, and zoom out again.
12:58 / 09.02.05
Lilly, I'd love to have the contact info for the Rose and Crown, if it's not too much trouble! (I did a web search, and of course I've found five different places called the Rose and Crown already...)

Ariadne, the budget for accomodations depends somewhat on how good a deal we get on plane tickets. We're splurging on this trip because we know we won't be able to do it again for a few years, and we're both desperate to get out of the country for a few days.

Nick, staying outside the city may not be a bad idea if we can find a place near a train line. In fact, it might be preferable in some ways, as I daresay in most of the villages it would be cheaper and quieter.

Thanks all for your thoughts, and also to Bed Head, who I think may have moved this out of Gathering for me...
Tryphena Absent
13:20 / 09.02.05
B and B's

The above link is a list of Bed and Breakfasts that are on the Metropolitan line. Basically they're all on the tube (last train between 11pm and 12am) and a day travelcard (for the whole of London) from these locations is about £6.50 or so. A lot of them are in suburbs rather than the city so they're a bit quieter but still reasonably busy. I like Pinner because it has a really cute cobbled street full of restaurants, I'd take a look over them and see if you can find any pictures of the areas!
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:18 / 10.02.05
Sekhmet, the Rose and Crown is reachable on +44 207 254 7497. It's the Rose And Crown which is on Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16. I cannot find a weblink to them. I can nearly remember the landlady's name but it's too early in the morning. I think they charge about £35/night avg. and like I said before, my amerikan friends who've stayed there think it's great.
good luck!
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