The Third Eye.This is my personal theory about whats happening when you can apparently see stuff whilst your eyes are closed.There are layers to this experience,some of it is deeply strange,and none of it is in the Psychology books. Theres stuff you can do with your mind that should be just fucking impossible(in the context of the 3rd eye and otherwise),but you shouldn't subscribe to anyones consensus reality anyway, including mine.
The Pseudo-Psychology:
When you can see with your 'minds' eye,there is (if I can remember from about 5 years ago) a place where your mind can store
visual data,and I'd argue,can store invented data ,too (as a 2d static picture).You can preview this slide-show from your unconscious using meditation techniques,but the best time is ,of course,just as you're waking up.I've seen different images in this state,sometimes the images are not from direct experience.Its called The Visual-Spatial Sketchpad.
Kobol's Consensus Reality:
However,there is also a state where you can see ,not whats stored in the 'VSketchPad',but actual details that are in your immediate vicinity.In this state you can see your room,if it is light enough obviously,and its in this state where other stuff is percieved that comes under the heading of 'astral',because its remains elusive to actual description wthout coming over like the madman.But if you can wake from sleep in a relaxed way,you might notice that you can see your room whilst your physical eyes are closed.This is not sleep narcolepsy,SN is a state where your eyes are open,your body is paralysed and you are hallucinating.
This 'other' state, where you supposedly are using the'Ajna Chakra', is an alternative state of consciousness in its own right,its something completely different,and I don't think it should be confused with sleep paralysis.
So,with the rationalist experiential fluff out the way...
You can see entities who happen to be nearby,and have conversations with them with your mind,if they feel like talking of course.You can recieve premonitions.You can use this state as a jump off point to go astral,apparently.I'm testing this out just now,but I'm getting side-tracked by other things that appear to be,well...I'll wait till I know for sure. 
Try this at home:
Ask yourself how your brain feels -after you feel your 3rd eye fluttering?
[ 21-08-2001: Message edited by: kobol strom ] |