BARBELITH underground

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Why Should we Meet?

Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:11 / 06.02.05
No, really, tell me something fascinating about yourself.
09:51 / 06.02.05
I have really long toes/
11:41 / 06.02.05
(pretending, for the purposes of... etc that I've never met you)

I have a dent in the back of my head caused by friendly fire (a brick) during a riot...

...oh, and coppers address me by name.

I'm also fairly paranoid, though I have no idea why.
14:12 / 06.02.05
I have a small fleshy dent in middle of my forehead, as do my two brothers, from three seperate gardening accidents.

I'm a lefty.

I'm probably the youngest guy on a floor of sixty in work.
Alex's Grandma
16:40 / 06.02.05
Because I've got an 'Another Magazine' carrier bag.

Who else can say that ?

( The design's really great, it's 'The best read fashion bi-annual in the world' apparently, and I am now a part of it's adventure. )
Brigade du jour
17:52 / 06.02.05
I can't do it, I just don't find myself all that fascinating.

Please tell me something fascinating about yourself, Lady Marmalade. I don't think we've met!
John Octave
18:53 / 06.02.05
I can lick my own elbow. Which doesn't sound like much, but supposedly it's difficult to do.
Saint Keggers
21:14 / 06.02.05
I have your wallet.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
23:53 / 06.02.05
Like Brigade, I'm having trouble finding anything overly distinctive about myself. I wish that i could come up with a cool lie, like I'm half Ainu or that I can speak seven languages, but I'm not up for it right now.

A friend of mine is the best in the world at Minesweeper (it's true). Maybe I'll let you meet him.
Saint Keggers
03:45 / 07.02.05
How about YOU telling US whats so damn fine and fancy about yourself that WE'd want to meet YOU????
Alex's Grandma
03:56 / 07.02.05
I did think 'Oh yeah ? Annny-one could do that.'

But as it turns out, I can't actually lick either one of my elbows, so J Octave's yer man.
Grey Area
07:13 / 07.02.05
I am rather tall.
08:25 / 07.02.05
This is my usual list:

Superman sometimes decides to celebrate his birthday on the same day as mine.

The initials of my real name are the same as Jesus Christ's.

Some spellcheckers suggest that the correct spelling for my real first name is "God".
08:53 / 07.02.05
I'm incredibly handsome.

I dress wonderfully.

I'm witty and urbane.

I'm about to be a published author

I'm kind to children and small animals.

I ran the bulls at Pamplona.

I have a replica of the football shirts worn by the Allied team in Escape To Victory.

I always get a round in.
foot long subbacultcha
09:19 / 07.02.05
Nothing interesting, but if the Pixies decide to go at it again, I'd probably have a spare ticket for you. Which is a good enough reason to meet, innit.
09:28 / 07.02.05
Anyway, I don't have to justify myself to you, Lady Marmalade! I have cred coming out the wazoo! Which is where it usually comes out of, but still!
Grendel's Mother
12:24 / 07.02.05
While I cannot lick my own elbows, a federal court here in the U.S. did give me unlimited license to lick the elbows of other people.
12:47 / 07.02.05
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue.
13:05 / 07.02.05
Why should we meet?

We shouldn't. I fear change and new things.
13:06 / 07.02.05
john octave- you stole my usual interesting tidbit! are you double jointed, or do you just have a freakishly long tongue?

anyway, my back-up: in my younger days, i worked as an 'enemy' for my state's SWAT-team's practice exercises.
13:17 / 07.02.05
Fuck, that last post was a mistake.

But in the same vein, I suppose being threatened daily by another is one of my unique features.
Jack Fear
13:33 / 07.02.05
I am generous, kind, and sweet-natured—although I take great pains to obscure that fact.
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:56 / 07.02.05
I talk a lot better than I can write.
John Octave
19:22 / 07.02.05
are you double jointed, or do you just have a freakishly long tongue?

Freakishly long tongue, actually. Insert obvious innuendo here.

So how are you able to do it? If it's the tongue as well, we could start a club with Venom from Spider-Man as our mascot.
23:18 / 07.02.05
I have a really great coat.
23:56 / 07.02.05
I can touch my nose with my tongue, but I don't think I can lick my elbow. (I'll try as soon as I get out of the office).
ibis the being
00:33 / 08.02.05
People tell me I have a great ass. But if it's tongues you like, I can rotate mine all the way around.
00:39 / 08.02.05
I've a wide tongue. Do the innuendos still apply?
13:36 / 08.02.05
my elbow licking method: place palm of hand flat down on hard surface with heel of it facing away from me. flex elbow joint away from me in an unnatural fashion, duck head down and lick elbow, which is now the vertex of something like a 170 degree angle. i should really just post a picture.
18:50 / 08.02.05
I have thought about this for a while, and without making my post x-rated, I can only come up with two fairly unspectacular, or unusual things. However, I am good at billards (spots & stripes, not know bad childhood and all) and I can roll my own sushi.
Benny the Ball
19:46 / 08.02.05
I'm not that bad once you get to know me.

And I too have a big tongue.
20:19 / 08.02.05
I can hang upside down from my toes and walk a slackline (similar in principle to a tightrope, only slack) backwards.
07:57 / 09.02.05
Let me get this right, Mir Roar - you hang upside down by your toes from a slack line and 'walk' along? Or are these two separate abilities? Surely? I'm impressed either way.

I can make good vegan scones and pizza. And cycle a long way.
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