Sharman Networks, the makers of Kazza, finally got around to levelling their legal guns at the producers of Kazza Lite and most of the links to download it disappeared about a year ago or so. Apparently they also changed the FastTrack network itself so that those running Kazza Lite could only ever connect to other Kazza Lite users and not to any of the rest of the community which makes it a bit shit really. So, if some site's trying to charge you for Kazza Lite then it's definitely one of the many scam sites operating, why would you pay money for Kazza Lite when you could simply buy the fully supported and adware free version of the official Kazza client? Diet K is the spiritual succesor to Kazza Lite so you could give that a shot but I found it an utter pain in the arse to get up and running so I ditched the entire thing in favour of Ares Lite. To be honest though none of this is really any replacement for BitTorrent which, even after the fall of Suprnova, remains the top shit when used in conjunction with IsoHunt.
As for video playback problems, if you're getting sound but no visuals (or vice versa) then you don't have the required codec installed. Run the file through Gspot which will tell you what codecs are required then you can download the relevant ones here. |