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Which is fighting what..?


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19:12 / 03.02.05
freedom will defeat terror. isn't that like saying carrots will defeat salutes? they are incommensurable concepts.

aren't they?
20:14 / 03.02.05
Yes, I've long thought the "coalition" was tilting at straw men by going to war against an abstract concept. (Aside from anything else, terror is a very useful defence mechanism. If indeed we WERE to go to war against it, and win, it would have very weird consequences. Horror movies would all be shit, for a start.)

But I reckon carrots could so totally lay the smackdown on salutes. Any day.
All Acting Regiment
20:53 / 03.02.05
Carrots can grow baby carrots. To replenish the ranks, sorta.
21:07 / 03.02.05
If terror were defeated by freedom, then the fight-or-flight response would become the stand-there-being-free response, and we'd all get our heads kicked in by anyone who happened to be in a head-kicking mood.

John Inman would be a national hero, though.
farseer /pokes out an i
21:12 / 03.02.05
All fascist governments have a straw-man enemy to villify and, using fear, "unite" the people behind their destructive, profit-driven corporate goals.

The financial and industrial powers behind the 3rd reich are now arrayed behind the US (and have been since WWII, though not quite as obviously.)
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
21:20 / 03.02.05
Geez, how can I follow that?
21:23 / 03.02.05
Ganesh: Whaddya mean, "would be"???
21:59 / 03.02.05
International, then.
22:55 / 03.02.05
'Corporate goals'? 'Tilting at "straw men"'? Things 'arrayed' against other things???
What are you all talking about? Either Freedom will defeat Terror or Terror will defeat Freedom. It's as simple as me.
23:47 / 03.02.05
Bastard Tweed
02:51 / 04.02.05
It just sounded a lot better than The War on People Who Don't Like Us Very Much.
07:14 / 04.02.05

That reminds me:

Yesterday, I marked a passage in the Illuminatus trilogy, I read. It´s in the first part of the trilogy, "Book 2", Chapter Chesed, when Hagbard and George are talking on the submarine. I got the german translation, so that´s my translation here:

Hagbard Celine talking:
"Incisive Safety measures. Unviversally electronic observation. No flexible laws. Tight strict laws. Complete removal of sanctity of the mails. Taking of fingerprints, photographs, bloodtest and urinalysis of every arrested person without exception, before charges can be made. Laws, which make resistance against unlawful arrest unlawful. Laws, which serve as a basis for creating detention camps for possible troublemakers. Weapon control laws. Restriction of traveling. Political murders create a need for these laws in the public consciousness, you know. Instead of realizing, that there is a conspiration of a handful of men, people believe, -or are manipulated to believe-, that the liberties of the people have to be limited/curbed, to protect the leaders. People accept, that they are not being trusted.

Hagbard Celine talking:
"At this pace, the illuminates will control the american people in a few years more efficiently than Hitler did the german people. And the beautiful thing about it is, that the majority of the americans got so scared by the terror acts, staged by the illuminates, that they will beg to be controlled, like the masochist is whimpering for the whip."

Wilson and Shea wrote/published that in 1975!

To me it sounds like the way, governments are developing right now.
08:36 / 04.02.05
I'm starting a war on disagreement.
10:20 / 04.02.05
No you're not.
11:52 / 04.02.05
How about a war on wasps?
11:56 / 04.02.05

Mods, can we move for a 30 day ban, please?
Tryphena Absent
12:20 / 04.02.05
I propose that the Illuminatus trilogy is almost as good as The Deptford Mice trilogy.
12:29 / 04.02.05
The Deptford Mice trilogy? Wasn't that ripped-off from the Invisibles?
13:51 / 04.02.05
But the Invisibles is just a rip-off of Duncton Wood.
13:55 / 04.02.05

Straw man. Only a small proportion of insects are wasps, but 100% of wasps are evil.

Some of my best friends are bees.
mondo a-go-go
15:58 / 04.02.05
My current favourite saying, ganked from a random drunken stranger at the top of Primrose Hill on New Year's Eve, is "Mild as carrots." It sounds a bit surreal at first, but if you think about it, carrots are pretty mild. Which is not a bad thing, sometimes.
16:02 / 04.02.05
Mild or not, they could still totally OWN salutes.
19:22 / 04.02.05
The new pirates/ninjas, perhaps?

Are you a carrot or a salute?
20:21 / 04.02.05
I'm a carrot with a parrot.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
20:41 / 04.02.05
Depends...what are we saluting, and what are we saluting with?
23:18 / 04.02.05
I heard a ninja killed himself with a salute.
09:46 / 05.02.05
Another time, a ninja totally flipped out and saluted every last motherfucker in the room. Stupid ninja.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
10:09 / 05.02.05
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
10:11 / 05.02.05
Which has fuck all to do with the thread, I know. But I don't remember what this thread was about in the first place.
10:44 / 05.02.05
I dunno, I reckon a kitten could take a ninja if they were that small. I think they'd have to gang up to carry out their campaign of kitten decapitation.
11:15 / 05.02.05
Fuck it, a kitten could even have a GIANT ninja.
11:48 / 05.02.05
Ahhhh.... But every time you wipe up after yourself, a pirate comes along, kills the ninja, sticks the kitten's head back on with his own chewing-tobacco spittle and reanimates it with a hearty swig 'o' grog.

The equation balances.
The Falcon
16:27 / 06.02.05
Illuminatus v. Deptford Mice (which I believe, pre-dates the Invisis) is quite a showdown.

The history ones weren't as good though (Deptford, not read the other'n.)
17:57 / 06.02.05
Bah! Kittens (or cats, I should say) are on the same teams as ninjas. Martial Arts, with reference to animal forms and movements, never picked a mangy dog as a study of movement. Hell, my old nickname handed down by the Master was Cougar, not Spot. Just wait till you pirates hit land...

Now Sea Terror, that's a concept I can understand though.
18:29 / 06.02.05
Deptford Mice predates the Invisibles by an awful long time indeed. Because of this thread, I've just dug them out again to give the first re-read since I was a nipper. The Alchemist's Cat is the only histories I read though.

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