That reminds me:
Yesterday, I marked a passage in the Illuminatus trilogy, I read. It´s in the first part of the trilogy, "Book 2", Chapter Chesed, when Hagbard and George are talking on the submarine. I got the german translation, so that´s my translation here:
Hagbard Celine talking:
"Incisive Safety measures. Unviversally electronic observation. No flexible laws. Tight strict laws. Complete removal of sanctity of the mails. Taking of fingerprints, photographs, bloodtest and urinalysis of every arrested person without exception, before charges can be made. Laws, which make resistance against unlawful arrest unlawful. Laws, which serve as a basis for creating detention camps for possible troublemakers. Weapon control laws. Restriction of traveling. Political murders create a need for these laws in the public consciousness, you know. Instead of realizing, that there is a conspiration of a handful of men, people believe, -or are manipulated to believe-, that the liberties of the people have to be limited/curbed, to protect the leaders. People accept, that they are not being trusted.
Hagbard Celine talking:
"At this pace, the illuminates will control the american people in a few years more efficiently than Hitler did the german people. And the beautiful thing about it is, that the majority of the americans got so scared by the terror acts, staged by the illuminates, that they will beg to be controlled, like the masochist is whimpering for the whip."
Wilson and Shea wrote/published that in 1975!
To me it sounds like the way, governments are developing right now. |