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10:30 / 02.02.05
I have not long ago finished reading Valis by Philiph k Dick. Anyone know what the King Felix references are about? I have see it pop up in a fiew other places aswell, any ideas?
Gypsy Lantern
10:34 / 02.02.05
I have not long ago finished reading Valis by Philiph k Dick.

No shit
10:36 / 02.02.05
what a useful reply
Gypsy Lantern
10:38 / 02.02.05
Glass houses.
10:41 / 02.02.05
look im on my best behaviour. Can well stick to the topic please?
11:59 / 02.02.05
Chill Gypsy -- FWIW I'm interested in this, simply cos my son's called Felix, and I'm missing him, and want an excuse to think about him.
14:15 / 02.02.05
quimper, assuming you're looking for a serious discussion...

I just re-read VALIS not that long ago, myself, and I seem to remember that "KING FELIX" was pretty well explained within the text itself. I don't have the book handy, but I can take a look when I get home.

Now, what are you actually looking for? "What did PKD mean by KING FELIX within the context of the novel?" Or are you looking for ways in which elements of his fiction are tied to "the real world" and classic gnosticism? Or something else entirely? In other words, can you be more specific?


p.s. quimper, as long as you stay on your best behavior, there are going to be at least some of us willing to talk to you. But don't be surprised if you are met with cynicism or hostility by many - you've earned it.
14:51 / 02.02.05
Yeah I'll give you another chance aswell quimper, and another, and another, but others might not be so willing to put up with (have the time/patience for) some of the stuff you come out with if you go on a mad one again........anyway, KING FELIX, all I remember is that it was used as a code word when Fat got in touch with the Riphodean (don't know if I spelt that right) society.

If your looking to dig deeper I suggest you read the Gnostic Gospels to get a good idea of where PKD was coming from, and search around for info on Ikhnaton, Akhenaten, an old Egyptian ruler who is said to have rejected the old Gods/Goddesses and replaced them with Sun worship.....not too sure about anyone having the whole story of that episode either. Ikhnaton in the story, (again I'm trying to remember, don't know if it's right) was the leader of the three eyed race from Sirius guiding Humanity. There's other threads to follow from the book but I can't rememeber them at the moment, I was looking through a bit of it the other night too.
15:01 / 02.02.05
Akhenaten replaced worship of the old gods with worship of the disc of the sun, and moved the centre of worship 200 miles (IIRC) to Thebes (IIRC).

He also didn't give a flying one about anything but religion and left the country's finances and borders in a really rough state. In fact the country was fucked. Bad governance = bad magic in my book.

Now, I may well be wrong, but I believe that Tutankhamun took over as a kid when Akhenaten got bumped off, while a regent ruled and tried to get the economy back on track. Then Tut got it in the neck himself when the Egyptians decided to really put a clean break between themselves and Akhenaten.
15:21 / 02.02.05
Yeah I just read up a little on him, I've read about him in the past aswell. It just makes it all the more confusing as to why Phil put him as such a helpful being.

'From Ikhanaton this knowledge passed to Moses, and from Moses to Elijah, the immortal man who became Christ.'

History paints him as a nutbar though.
15:24 / 02.02.05
Of course if he WAS such a good being, the runners of the black iron prison will have probably altered history to suit.

Sorry for the threadrot quimper. (karma )
17:18 / 02.02.05
While on the subject of the black iron prison. Do you believe that this is what Dick is referring to when he says "The empire never ended" And how does this connect with Morrisons running theme "The empire never dies"
Thoughts please.
17:41 / 02.02.05
Well, obviously GM was just ripping off Dick there (though he does name-check Dick at a few points in the series, most notably during the first scene with Jacqui and King Mob).
17:42 / 02.02.05
Well, obviously GM was just ripping off Dick there (though he does name-check Dick at a few points in the series, most notably during the first scene with Jacqui and King Mob).
17:54 / 02.02.05
look im on my best behaviour. Can well stick to the topic please?

Topic...hmm? It would be most helpful if you would use the topic summary box when you posted a new thread. Helps to focus the conversation and works well with the search engine.
18:14 / 02.02.05
Well, according to VALIS, the empire (which was, IIRC, more-or-less synonymous with the Black Iron Prison) did eventually end - or was in the process of ending - following the re-discovery of the plasmate. (At one point, though, it occurs to PKD/Fat that he is talking literally about the Roman Empire - since "Time" stopped when the plasmate was suppressed, and only started again with its reemergence, we are all still living in Apostolic times. Hence, his overlapping vision of 1974-California with Ancient Rome.)

GM, by saying (through his characters) "the empire never dies," may be suggesting that PKD/Horselover Fat was too optimistic - the empire will always (*cough*) strike back, and resistance must be continuous. GM owes a lot to PKD's work, generally.

No offense, quimper, but your questions seem kinda simplistic - and the basic, factual answers have been pretty obvious to anyone who has read the source material (since they are explained, to a great extent, explicitly in the text). It is almost enough to make one wonder if you are trying to maintain the semblance of a serious discussion just to see how long we'll keep answering. "Horselover Fat spent some time in a mental hospital after his suicide attempt. Anyone know what's going on with that?" "He was considered, after a psychological evaluation, to be a potential danger to himself and in need of treatment. Next!"

Maybe I'm just being cynical. :| Prove me wrong.

If you're really looking for some deeper insight, expect to share a little. This is a discussion forum. Let's discuss. Surely you have some thoughts of your own about VALIS? Let's hear them. What do you think "the empire never ended" meant, and why did Horselover Fat keep returning to it like a mantra? Is it just a catch-all for social injustice, or does it have a more specific esoteric meaning?

18:27 / 02.02.05
Here for a bizarre reading of the VALIS experience.

Anyway, I was also thinking : KING FELIX : Felix the Cat, Sirius has been said to have a race of Cat like beings, so 'King Cat' is one way of viewing it I suppose.
18:29 / 02.02.05
I would encourage everyone to read and add to The PKD Exegesis WIKI. Just click the Comment link at the end of each line. This will show the comments and allow you to edit and add your own info.

Also see this thread: PKD's Exegesis of the Soul.
18:30 / 02.02.05
I've always heard Sirius affiliated with fish-like beings (Nommo) or dogs (Dog Star), but never cats.
18:40 / 02.02.05
Haven't you? I've seen and heard it a few times I think. I'll see if I can find something on the net.
19:03 / 02.02.05
X, are you thinking of something like this, or this? There may be a credibility issue with some of these sources...

19:13 / 02.02.05
Thanks! I've read that book ages ago and forgotten about it. My head was tripping a little there wondering how the hell I'd come up with the idea.

As for the second link, I've never seen that before. I do always associate Ancient Egypt with one of the strongest Sirius connections though, and they do have a number of Cat Deities.

Anyway, who knows. Sirius rises again, God I've had some wierd encounters with thoughts, feelings, and visions connected to that star system.
23:31 / 02.02.05
So have about a million other occultists, magicians, shamans, UFO-nuts, conspiracy theorists, and general wackos, X.

Hell, I could say the same thing. My 2003 vision/alien contact experience had, among other things, Dogon drawings of the Nommo.
01:46 / 03.02.05
So have about a million other occultists, magicians, shamans, UFO-nuts, conspiracy theorists, and general wackos, X.

Haha! Yeah, it's like a rite of passage isn't it.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
04:54 / 03.02.05
I'm a general wacko, and I've yet to have a weird experience with Sirius. How would I go about fixing this? It sounds like fun.
07:25 / 03.02.05
You have to be Sirius about it.
08:14 / 03.02.05
13:12 / 03.02.05
The Black Iron Prison/Empire - From the source:

17. The Gnostics believed in two temporal ages: the first or present evil; the second or future benign. The first age was the Age of Iron. It is represented by a Black Iron Prison. It ended in August 1974 and was replaced by the Age of Gold, which is represented by a Palm Tree Garden.

So, first, the Black Iron Prison is a symbol for the Age of Iron. The Prison is a figurative place - a passive set of conditions, the state-of-the-world.

This is the origin of entropy, undeserved suffering, chaos and death, as well as the Empire, the Black Iron Prison; in essence the aborting of the proper health and growth of the life forms within the hologramatic universe.

Syntactically, it looks like PKD is equating the Black Iron Prison with the Empire. There does seem do be some difference, though, in how he uses the terms, even though they refer broadly to the same "thing."

29. We did not fall because of a moral error; we fell because of an intellectual error: that of taking the phenomenal world as real. Therefore we are morally innocent. It is the Empire in its various disguised polyforms which tells us we have sinned. "The Empire never ended."

In the novel VALIS, Dick/Fat refer to being in the Black Iron Prison, but the Empire is shown (as above) as having agency, at least metaphorically. While we sit in the BIP, the Empire tells us we have sinned - yet still they are all one manifestation of the Age of Iron in the damaged universe. To employ a metaphor that's already overloaded, the BIP/Empire is sort of like the photon 'wavicle' model - under certain conditions, it is best described as a location or set of circumstances, and under other conditions it is best described as an embodied force or agent. [This is probably making too much of it, but I was up really really late last night, and...]

41. The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one.

More explicitly now, the Empire is given agency. At the same time, it is also defined in depersonalized terms. The metaphor is made more transparent.

42. To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies.

And, finally, the Empire is repersonalized in a new way - any one of us might be part of the Empire - while also dismissing the idea of the Empire as a literal, embodied conspiracy per se (i.e. an actual secret society with concrete aims). Rather, it is reaffirmed as a force - I hesitate to say current, but it's not the worst image - only, it's a current that pervades everything.

So, the BIP and the Empire are one and the same thing, but the Black Iron Prison describes the more passive or generalized aspects of 'it,' while the Empire describes the more active or differentiated aspects.

So, to bring us back to quimper's question: yes, to an extent Dick/Fat was referring to the Black Iron Prison when he said "the empire never ended." The second meaning (i.e. Time stopped, we are still living in Roman times) has already been mentioned. A third meaning refers to the Empire manifested as the Nixon administration, which did end during the timeline of the novel (IIRC), though Phil and Fat both worry that the Empire won't go down without a fight. The KING FELIX cypher, though, has made it clear that the Age of Iron is (at least supposed to be) at an end. How long it will take before the Age of Gold (the Black Iron Prison replaced with a Palm Tree Garden) gets going in earnest, and how tumultuous the transition will be is anyone's guess. The ending of the novel is pretty ambivalent (though few, I think, would ever accuse PKD of being generally optimistic).

I'm not sure how necessary this entire post has been, but my lack of coffee has impaired my judgmental faculties. 'Scuse, please.

15:30 / 03.02.05
>> I've always heard Sirius affiliated with fish-like beings (Nommo) or dogs (Dog Star), but never cats.

[insert Stan Lee voice and pitchman persona here] Hey there, True Believers! Look for the Nommo to show up in an upcoming Jenny Everywhere story!
20:14 / 03.02.05
Lep, would you (or can I) add your comments to the WIKI? It hasn't been updated in a while and your insights are valuable.


02:02 / 04.02.05
LVX23 - sure, I'll see about the wiki tomorrow sometime.

12:39 / 06.02.05
Interestingly, This book puts forward, among other things, the theory that the religion that Ikhnaten imposed on Egypt was actually a form of Judaism, which he pciked up from Hebrew slaves. It's quite interesting, and a lot less sensationalistic than its title might imply.
19:09 / 08.02.05
aewa['weiaasaz 98335253 qqasdxdknv b#'cv]#z- 7890sdw352jhgv'xkc kkkkkkkkkkkkkk soiudhfsoidhc super cnv ;xcvndfbnfbnbn x]dcpoxvjdpogjgggggggkxpckv 'ixcjf'bijxc' thread 'sdfikgsjfd'bifibnjmfd'pibhj
19:27 / 08.02.05
Glad to hear it.
04:36 / 09.02.05
Ha ha ha ha...

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