but he was an emotional fuck up, a fantasist
Who isn't?
A prophet or social revolutionary of any kind? No, he was a rabid and highly confused throwback with an at best garbled philosophy.
Prophet? No. Revolutionary? That might be able to squeeze through the logic strainer. His political/drug rants, I'd like to think, got maybe a couple of people thinking. And, like a string of dominoes, we are now a more free people, living in harmony. Could just be fantasizing, though.
Besides, the only people that don't have a garbled philosophy are Objectivists. And those people are fucked up. 
I think David Cross, along with Chris Rock, are pretty much the intellectual heirs to Hicks. In style, if not entirely in content. Doesn't make me like them any less.
Eddie Izzard is fantastic. Jim Bruer is a lot more entertaining to me as a comic than as an actor. |