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Potential Help Needed from Liverpool Barbelith Member! Buying a vehicle.

07:52 / 31.01.05
I've been looking at vehicles and have spotted a bargain van in Liverpool. This'll be my first purchase of this type, so I'm a bit hesistant to book something when I haven't seen it and don't know what problems to look out for.

If I can get to Liverpool to view it it'll be tomorrow or Wednesday. Is anyone available to lend a hand?

Alternatively I might go by myself anyway if those members of Barbelith who drive can give me pointers on what to look out for.

Thinking about it... I hardly know any Lithers who do actually drive!
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:16 / 31.01.05
I drive but know sod all about cars. Like i know where the water, oil or petrol goes and how to change a tire but that's about it.
Reckon if the vans more than a grand get it checked over by the AA or the RAC or something. They'll also get the previous history (one careful owner, teetotal nun, runs on jesus' love), any outstanding finance, parking tickets, road tax and that sort of thing for thity or forty quid. Bargain for peace of mind.
Someone told me that the wingmirrors are a good indictor. If they're intact and unscratched, probably a careful owner...
18:09 / 31.01.05
Hi mate, I'm in Liverpool but have only just started taking lessons myself. I'm available to stand behind you silent and menacing if need be, though.
18:16 / 31.01.05
Oh, ja, here's something I had booked marked:

23:32 / 31.01.05
Thanks for the help, people. I've decided not to go for the vehicle in Liverpool, it's just too much to organise at short notice. But I'm considering hiring for the position of standing behind me and looking menacing. Full time, 37 hours a week, £60/annum pro-rata.
17:18 / 01.02.05
At last. A way breaking into the gooning business. All these years honing my "yes boss"s and ability to run around volcano lairs. I know it's a small part but once I have my foot in the door, the sky's the limit. Maybe I'll be a henchman one day.
Grey Area
20:26 / 01.02.05
You don't want to set your sights on being a mere henchman...that career path ends with you dying an anonymous death, usually at the hand of a generic soldier type or in a large explosion. You should aim to be a sidekick. That guarantees you a unique uniform, your own form of transport (depending on the budget of your evil overlord) and at the very least an interesting death fighting off a special agent.
18:51 / 02.02.05
I dunno, heroes have sidekicks, villains have... well I'm not sure what the word is but I'm not sure it's sidekick. Lackey? Goon? Minion? Henchman? Stooge? Cats-paw?
19:25 / 02.02.05
Villains have Lieutenants, No. 2s (second in command), or Human Resource Directors.
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