1) Haus is right. 2) I'm going to pester you about your imagery:
A friendly hand that I can hold
Thoughts fierce, faces bold, and brilliant eyes to bind me
In your experience, do people usually hold hands with their friends? I think once it was common, but the only people I've seen do this are Indian men. Also, "friendly" doesn't really seem to match "fierce," "bold," and "brilliant." Maybe there's something else that rhymes with "bold." And what's this:
A new taste of something old
Got to do with the other stuff?
Over sheets, and under fire
This is confusing, though that could work for you. What sort of sheets are these, and what sort of fire? Possibly because of those first two lines, I pictured you writing, and then the pages burning, but this is probably not what you meant. I wonder if you mean, like, machine gun fire. Is this you and someone holding hands in bed, whilst being fired on? It's confusing.
Turning minds, and finding faith
You are the reason for
tomorrow and today.
This is one of those vague, portentious endings I warned you about. Who is? Me? Your girlfriend? Your children? God? Why is that person the reason, other than that you say so? |