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The break-up letter

18:46 / 28.01.05
Michelle is really going to have a future in politics, I think that she will make a positive difference in the world. She has amazing leadership abilities, and a seemingly endless store of energy to get things accomplished.

I have found that generally there is balance in most things, there is in her. Where she was given extra talent in leadership she is lacking in one-on-one interpersonal skills. She has trouble expressing emotion, good positive emotion, to someone she cares about. When we would have a romantic dinner, she would point out flaws in the evening, when I would wear a suit she would comment on how my tie didn’t match, when we were intimate she wouldn’t move (really) or make any sound.

She wouldn’t let me make any physical contact with her in public, and very little in private for that matter. I thought she just didn’t want to have a public relationship, but she began telling everyone she knew that we were going out. Also she had pictures taken, and decorated her office with photos of us together. I had no doubt that she cared for me, but her treatment of me, especially in public was terrible. After we broke up she was able to talk more openly about her feelings, she says that she wanted to tell me how much she cared for me, but whenever she tried all she could get out of her mouth was an insult.

She did almost tell me she loved me once, I guess, she said, “What did one volcano say to the other volcano?” I shrugged, and she said, “I lava you.” Then she pushed my shoulder. She was aware of these problems, and tried not to be this way, and tried to figure out why, we dated for almost four months, and towards the end she decided to get counseling.

I have said the bad things, now realize that she was the most amazing leader/public speaker ever! I am inspired just to listen to her talk to a crowd, and wanted to be a support to her, because I could see how the public life drained her.
18:50 / 28.01.05
She never wanted to talk about her feelings, and would never say how she felt, or how she was doing. Whenever I tried to bring things up, like I have written in the letter, she would lose her cool and become irritable. I gave her this letter, and stayed with her while she read it, and then talked with her for several hours.


You are so amazing.
I am in awe of you, what you can do, endure, and the things and people that you build up all around you. That is what I find so attractive about you, and may be what makes butterflies in my stomach when I see you (although I am still trying to pin point the exact cause of those butterflies).
I have deep feelings for you. I care about what happens to you, I worry when you work too hard, and if you don’t get enough sleep, and if you have enough faith in yourself, I worry about all sorts of stuff.
I realize that we are two very different people, and I didn’t want that to matter, I wanted to figure out a way to make things work between you and I no matter what. But we have very different personalities. I use words to describe you like, inspiring, fun, witty, and have nicknames for you like “Gorgeous,” and “Good Lookin” and you use words like, weird, and un-normal, and terms like too analytical and awkwardly deep, to describe me.
My life has become an emotional rollercoaster. I feel like I am just along for the ride and I have no control. Sometimes you smile at me, I mean really smile, and the world around me lights up! My heart starts pounding, I get jittery, and nervous, because you, this angelic girl, are smiling at me, and Michelle, nothing could be more beautiful.
Other times,…are different, and I cant reach out to you, I cant feel your warmth or believe your smile. You can make my confidence crash down around me, and I feel alone, empty, worse I feel hollow, like a shell of a man. Broken, cast aside, worthless. But you are still there, the same girl that makes my heart flutter, with a few words, (I know unintentional) you make me bleed on the inside, and I bare the pain, and try not to treat you differently. I try to compliment myself, to feel better, to lighten the mood, and hoping that maybe you will agree with me that I am a worth while person, and that you do care for me too. But for whatever reason, we can’t communicate, I can’t break through your barriers, and it is killing me in every way that matters.
I have tried to talk to you about so much of this, but I can see how it still might be a really bad shock to you. I am so sorry. I know you care for me, there is no question of that in my mind, you have proved it through time made, and spent with me, (I know you miss sleep to spend time with me) you have made adjustments in the way you treat me, (you don’t throw your hand over my mouth when I am talking anymore), you say great things about me to people, thank you for that. The question is in my heart, I just don’t feel it, and trust me, I WANT to feel it.
It is not any one of these small things that has pushed me over the edge, these small things are all symptoms of something bigger. I don’t know what that bigger thing is, but I have just hoped and prayed that it would go away, and that you and I would work out.
This would be too hard for me to say all in words out loud, and I don’t think that I could have said it without a few tears, and I know that I would not be able to finish what I had to say.
I am glad to know someone like you. I don’t regret any time I have spent with you, or any of the things that you and I have shared. I just wish that I could be stronger, thicker skinned, and be just a little more normal. You have tolerated a lot from me, and I know that I did things that bothered you, and I have friends that you didn’t like but you put up with anyway, I just hope that after everything you have never questioned the way I feel for you. I am your biggest fan, and I have more faith in you, that you will rock this world, than I have in anyone else.
The worst thing you could ever do to me now, is put this letter down and say “fine, whatever.” Don’t do that, be my friend, help me find happiness, care for me like I have cared for you.
Alex's Grandma
23:14 / 28.01.05
Ben, to be honest, that is the dumbest load of crap I ain't never heard of in my entire goddamn life. But it is very funny - why not give up the whole fighting crime, reporting on root crops or other developments in the veg, or political, world type thing, and concentrate on writing a novel about how it rilly is ?
Mourne Kransky
00:26 / 29.01.05
Don't write a letter. Talk to her. Time to be a big boy and do grown up stuff.
00:28 / 29.01.05
Xoc, I did talk to her for hours, and I have had continued talks also hours and hours long.
Mourne Kransky
01:10 / 29.01.05
So, you've done the honorable thing. Now hang up the phone and make no future appointments to chat until her emotions are flat and cool. Get on with your new life, unless you enjoy watching butterflies squirm on the pin.

Tell her about your new girlfriend. Make one up if you have to.

You will both survive and thrive. It's just a question of how long you take to get around to it.
Tryphena Absent
01:49 / 29.01.05
I had about twenty sentences but then I deleted them and I'm leaving the last line: Just leave her alone.
02:57 / 29.01.05
damn it to hell Xoc! You really just made a lot of sense to me, I will take your advice.
modern maenad
15:06 / 29.01.05
Ender - I can see that this is a rough time for you, but I really think you should reconsider having this material in the public domain. This is personal to you two, and no one else. If I were Michelle, I would be (justifiably) angry at you right now. A little integrity can go a long way at times like these.
Alex's Grandma
16:57 / 29.01.05
In all fairness though, Michelle has run an 'Anti-Ben' campaign round college - her agenda is also quite frightening.
17:08 / 29.01.05
Modern, I understand exactly what you mean, but I live in Ephraim Utah right now, I weighed the possibility of anyone I know reading this, and decided that there is next to no chance. I just really need this, people I don’t personally know talking to me about things that I cant talk to people at my college about. (I don’t want to start any rumors) So if anyone does know us, I ask that you please don’t take advantage of this information.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:36 / 29.01.05
Dude, a good rule of thumb: Putting stuff on the internet = B U S T E D. Whoever you least want to read a piece of text or see a compromising photo--that's exactly who's going to see it.

And even assuming that nobody involved in this business ever reads any of these posts... does that make it okay?
18:57 / 29.01.05
What are the chances of said gf or friends/aquaintances knowing who "Ender" is if they have never been to Barbelith?

Gawd, you haven't linked them Ender. PLease tell me you haven't.

BTW, I am finding your new ficsuit name a bit foreshadowing.
19:22 / 29.01.05
I have cherished the Barb as a place that I can come and talk about whatever comes to mind, the only person I have ever shared the barb with is my old housemate the King of Town. I generally run with very right-wing tightly strung conservatives. In Utah, currently, the trend is to be LDS, I have found that people here have a problem with four letter words, and any public mention of sex. I am living in a small college town, where the population is almost entirely fanatically religious (take note: I am enjoying my time here, I feel like I am visiting the Vatican, sort of.) So I don’t think that for the majority this would be a site they would stumble into, being one of billions to choose from.

Now thinking, I do realize my blunder by posting this level of personal and private things on the web for any to see. I have tried to tell people around campus about the invisibles. It is entirely possible that by doing a google search a link to the barb would come up, and through very little searching, someone might stumble upon this very thread… Oh shit, this really sucks...

Well, for the record, I felt much better about everything after posting the X girlfriend thread, and the support I felt there, and in my youthful naivety thought “what a brilliant idea to put more personal information on the barb, thus gaining more personalized response.”

After thought, this has been a learning experience to be sure, I will not abstain from posting personal things here altogether, but I will be a lot smarter and not use people’s actual names, I remember a few famous ones in previous posts, I am glad S----- never stumbled upon this site, it being saved in my favorites menu and all.

I had not thought of this risk before (I know, that was dumb of me) thanks for bringing it to light Modern.
19:58 / 29.01.05
I am glad S----- never stumbled upon this site...

oh, that would be priceless.
Tryphena Absent
22:09 / 29.01.05
I think this is getting a bit off topic. I mean, sure, this girl's been running an anti-Ben campaign but he's not exactly helped matters. And because I know how easy it is to get caught in someone elses melodramatic mind game moment I'm biting the bullet. Let me tell you why this is your problem in your own words:

I have deep feelings for you

I use words to describe you like, inspiring, fun, witty, and have nicknames for you like “Gorgeous,” and “Good Lookin”

Sometimes you smile at me, I mean really smile, and the world around me lights up!

But baby, I'm still breaking up with you because you're so embarassed by me.

Look either she's great or she's a bitch but she's not both because that's what we, here in the house of truth like to call IMPOSSIBLE. So don't tell her that she lights up a room but you're dumping her because she doesn't like you. If that was true she would be dumping you. You're fucking guilt tripping her, you're treating her like shit, you're playing mind games, sounds to me like you have the problem here. So go wank in the corner and leave this person alone. She's not a harmonica.
Alex's Grandma
23:03 / 29.01.05
Dude, a good rule of thumb: Putting stuff on the internet = B U S T E D

This is exceptionally good advice. Anything you need validation of from the web is, pretty much by definition, going to be a total disaster.
Haus Of Pain
10:03 / 30.01.05
Seriously, you/she will get over it real quick, if you leave well alone. I mean you only went out for 4 months, if things started to suck that quickly then christ man RUN RUN RUN.

The letter is a bad idea, just leave her alone & get on with your life.
Jack Denfeld
10:23 / 30.01.05
Dear Jack Denfeld,
Why don't you go jack off you stupid idiot boy. "Should I kiss her 1st and then be her boyfriend or be her boyfriend and then kiss her?" are you stupid? What are you, nine years old? I fell asleep watching cartoons on your bed with you because you bored me to death, not because I was comfortable with you. Moron. WHile you were looking out your window all those days waiting for me to show up, and posting on Barbelith about how much you were in love with me, I was patching things up with my ex boyfriend and thinking about how pathetic you were. Thanks for helping me pass the time while I was bored for a few days though. And don't post this in the breaking up thread on Barbelith, because we never went out in the 1st place. Loser. - Girl you had a crush on

I didn't actually get a letter like this from the girl. Actually I never even got another phone call. But if she did write a letter to me, I'm pretty sure it would go something like that.
Alex's Grandma
11:20 / 30.01.05
Don't be so hard on yourself, Denfeld.

Or at least do, but use the feelings of anger and frustration as fuel for your rise to the top. Strategy-wise, that worked out pretty well for say, Napoleon B, Donald T and M Thatcher, and let's face it, you've got more on the ball than any of those guys.
modern maenad
18:01 / 30.01.05
Ender - Thanks for being so gracious. Its so easy to get sucked into the moment, good on you for creating the distance to reflect on what's been going on re: posting on Barbelith etc. Anyhow, hope things start looking up.
Fist Fun
09:40 / 31.01.05
You deffo shouldn't send that letter. And should stop thinking those kind of thoughts. It is self indulgent.
farseer /pokes out an i
18:59 / 31.01.05
break-up letters aren't necessarily a bad thing.

I've had some past S.O.'s who used writing to organize their thoughts, figure out their own feelings, and decide what they're going to do about X situation. Sometimes they've shared the very letter they used to figure out what they were going to say, and sometimes not.

hmm.. what am i trying to say...

I think that the problem I have with break-up letters in general, when they're shared, is that they're 1 sided. It's a person telling things at you (which is worse when they're in person), and sometimes it's like being a 'captive audience'. I'd rather just look at the letter, realize they've gone through something and are trying to communicate, and have them just share whatever is on their mind then, in person.

In person, the subtleties of communication are possible; body, energy, meta-conversation, all the unspoken stuff that happens, and influences meaning. Words on paper- they're just words, and the connotations and subtleties of meaning... it's gone. Miscommunications abound, and sometimes it leads to tragedy.. and other times hilarity...
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