We broke up about a month ago, she is the president of my college, I am the political beet writer for the paper, things were always tough. We come from very different backgrounds, she has lived with her parents in dreamlike luxury, and I was living on my own at young age, fending for myself.
Long story short, we broke up, and I have moved on, but she insists that we are meant to be together. Things are getting weird, she brings me gifts one day (I don’t think I should be accepting them, but she adamantly insists) and the next day is starting anti-Ben political movements around campus, but then the very next day is at my door with another gift, and an apology card.
I understand her frustration, that she cares for me, and by bringing gifts she is showing that, and apologizing for the momentary outbursts. I also understand that she has the outbursts because she is frustrated and scorned.
I need help! I care about her, and/but am at my wits end. Talks don’t work, avoiding her just pisses her off, and I really don’t want to resort to tough love. And incase you are wondering, I have given her no hope of us getting back together. I made a clean break, and have stuck to it, I know the gifts are a bad thing, and will not accept any more from her.
Anyone dealt with something like this before? Any help? |